It's becoming more clear and apparent to why using the internet is becoming more and more a waste fo time than it used to be. I only really play one online game now. I don't spend time wasting away on the corporate bollocks of myspace, livejournal, and well this website too much. Perhaps 15 minutes at most and continue with the gaming. I will be starting some aretwork pretty soon, which I might post pictures of if I ever feel inclinded to do so.
I really can't complain about life. I work when I want to. I always have money. My car works. I have a home. I'm probably doing better than most people.
Anyway that's it from me. Not that anyone will read this crap anyway.
I really can't complain about life. I work when I want to. I always have money. My car works. I have a home. I'm probably doing better than most people.
Anyway that's it from me. Not that anyone will read this crap anyway.