The last time I wrote a blog it was kinda like having sex with a dead body. Not that there's anything wrong with having sex with a dead body.....oh wait, yeah it is, supposedly or something like that. This time it will probably be like having sex with a body that I slipped roofies to. Wake up from this bloggish nightmare!!!!!
I hate this blog and everybody. . . . . . .Just kidding I don't hate this blog. This blog might be about a girl that left me for another guy, or maybe even another girl. It can happen to you, if you live long, play hard, and you follow your dreams. This blog could represent every unlawful thing I've done, a confession of sorts. Maybe it's a concise list of terrible, unchanging, things that are going on in my life. Maybe it's the single greatest moment of clarity in my entire life. And I'm just playing it off as some act of artistic ejaculation. I hope the money shot was good. I hope this blog bricked off in your mascara lined eyes and it burns. And it dribbles down your face and the salt clears your nostrils and it subtly burns like the people who complain in the herpes commercials. This blog might represent the views I have on the world, a war inside the Iraq that is my mind. Perhaps, I'd like to think it has some sort of deep philosophic meaning. This would be a good blog to comment to, it really would be. You know you can comment to make me feel good anyway.
Where the hell am I really going with this? This blog could end up having a point, but it's rather highly unlikely. I'm hoping I just spew some unrealistic, semi-interesting, nonsense that grabs your attention, and makes you feel compelled to think. Even if it is "This guys an idiot!" I suppose I completed all mission objectives if I did that.
This blog secretly blogs about me back. It blogs untrue events about my life. Tales of grandiosity, dellusional schizophrenic, events that always end in peril. And the song it's currently listening to twenty four hours a day is Aha's "Take On Me."
Blog doesn't roll down stairs, or even in pairs, blog your neighbors dog, its great with a snack, blog on your back it's blog, blog, blog........
I'm left with unsure feelings about whether this blog has reconciled with me to form an everlasting friendship. All I know is the next time I blog I'm wearing protection.
Keep It Sleazy, Rotten, & Easy.
I hate this blog and everybody. . . . . . .Just kidding I don't hate this blog. This blog might be about a girl that left me for another guy, or maybe even another girl. It can happen to you, if you live long, play hard, and you follow your dreams. This blog could represent every unlawful thing I've done, a confession of sorts. Maybe it's a concise list of terrible, unchanging, things that are going on in my life. Maybe it's the single greatest moment of clarity in my entire life. And I'm just playing it off as some act of artistic ejaculation. I hope the money shot was good. I hope this blog bricked off in your mascara lined eyes and it burns. And it dribbles down your face and the salt clears your nostrils and it subtly burns like the people who complain in the herpes commercials. This blog might represent the views I have on the world, a war inside the Iraq that is my mind. Perhaps, I'd like to think it has some sort of deep philosophic meaning. This would be a good blog to comment to, it really would be. You know you can comment to make me feel good anyway.
Where the hell am I really going with this? This blog could end up having a point, but it's rather highly unlikely. I'm hoping I just spew some unrealistic, semi-interesting, nonsense that grabs your attention, and makes you feel compelled to think. Even if it is "This guys an idiot!" I suppose I completed all mission objectives if I did that.
This blog secretly blogs about me back. It blogs untrue events about my life. Tales of grandiosity, dellusional schizophrenic, events that always end in peril. And the song it's currently listening to twenty four hours a day is Aha's "Take On Me."
Blog doesn't roll down stairs, or even in pairs, blog your neighbors dog, its great with a snack, blog on your back it's blog, blog, blog........
I'm left with unsure feelings about whether this blog has reconciled with me to form an everlasting friendship. All I know is the next time I blog I'm wearing protection.
Keep It Sleazy, Rotten, & Easy.
Well, I 've been raised in the country, so I know what it' s like

my staffie's name is CueBalls' Rock n Boogie... or just Rocky ;o) he was rescued from a home where they ducktaped his legs together and his mouth shut and cut his ears off with scissors!