Last night I felt the most incredible amount of serenity while meditating. Stuff started making a little bit of sense. It was the most incredible peace I have ever felt in my life.
A man I encountered quite a few years back at work, told me a story one day while I was destroying a red ant pile. He had come from Africa. And told me the ants there are fierce creatures that can take down most animals in minutes with their venom. Going on he stated that they would keep food such as brea din a dish that they then placed into another dish of water so the ants could not get to these non-perishable food products. So I was wondering why he was telling me this and I interrupted. He continued to finish his story by telling me that one night a black mamba was in his house while he was asleep, and it woke him up and the ants so hungry attacke dthis snake and killed it. The moral of his story wasn't so clear then to me as it is now. That even the smallest thing can help something larger without even knowing it. That's pretty outstanding to me. It really makes me think.
The reason I brought this up is, at work on break I was smoking a cigarette the other day. And this C.N.A. was out there stepping on all the ants, and throwing bleach water on the ant piles. And I remembered what that man had told me. And I just thought to myself "she'll never understand"
I've really just accepted that I have to live life on life's terms. And I haven't been filled with rage like i usually have been. Some things are hard and others easier. But in the long run I'll be a better person tomorrow. I'm enjoying myself. I'm enjoying life. I spent so long in a haze of garbage I never realized how magnificent the world is. I dunno, sounds like a lot of stuff to ponder. But it's simply just gratitude.
Enough out of me. Easy does it.

A man I encountered quite a few years back at work, told me a story one day while I was destroying a red ant pile. He had come from Africa. And told me the ants there are fierce creatures that can take down most animals in minutes with their venom. Going on he stated that they would keep food such as brea din a dish that they then placed into another dish of water so the ants could not get to these non-perishable food products. So I was wondering why he was telling me this and I interrupted. He continued to finish his story by telling me that one night a black mamba was in his house while he was asleep, and it woke him up and the ants so hungry attacke dthis snake and killed it. The moral of his story wasn't so clear then to me as it is now. That even the smallest thing can help something larger without even knowing it. That's pretty outstanding to me. It really makes me think.

The reason I brought this up is, at work on break I was smoking a cigarette the other day. And this C.N.A. was out there stepping on all the ants, and throwing bleach water on the ant piles. And I remembered what that man had told me. And I just thought to myself "she'll never understand"

I've really just accepted that I have to live life on life's terms. And I haven't been filled with rage like i usually have been. Some things are hard and others easier. But in the long run I'll be a better person tomorrow. I'm enjoying myself. I'm enjoying life. I spent so long in a haze of garbage I never realized how magnificent the world is. I dunno, sounds like a lot of stuff to ponder. But it's simply just gratitude.

Enough out of me. Easy does it.
Yes, that's them. Florida is kindda far since I'll be able to see them 5 minutes from my house and also probably 2h30 from here