Getting internet soon. I'm going strong. Started a nice lil punk band with my bud, so watch out for more on that. Until next time, piss off!
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 29, 2007
First off, this doesn't apply to anyone I never seen iin groups, boar… -
Thursday Nov 29, 2007
I'm pretty belligerently pissed off right now. To all you captain… -
Monday Nov 26, 2007
Sometimes I really question the fact that I am nice to certain people… -
Wednesday Nov 21, 2007
This is pretty much what I think of Thanksgiving... "Wait, we can no… -
Sunday Nov 18, 2007
I understand how scissors can beat paper, and I get how a rock can be… -
Friday Nov 09, 2007
Yeah so anyway, while at The Fest 6 in Gainsville... -Bought a bun… -
Saturday Nov 03, 2007
This last weekend I got to see Youth Brigade, Toys That Kill, Defianc… -
Sunday Sep 30, 2007
I'll be in West Palm Beach until October 9. This should be cool. I ge… -
Monday Sep 24, 2007
I got into a car accident 8 days before subhumans. Totaled my car. So… -
Thursday Sep 06, 2007
|SUB|HUM|ANS| touring......most Excellent....this is the rest of the …
You hos think I got anger but that aint a truth,
I just want you all raped kidnapped and hung from a roof,
Smash your head open like babe ruth,
New tattoo that's cool,
Just a new target for when I snipe you,
Grin on my face when emt's gotta wipe you,
Off the cement,
I'm hell bent,
You don't have a clue,
We have a date your face my shoe,
What ya gonna do?
Go ahead and run,
Like jason I'll have my fun,
I sneak like a creep,
To strangle your ass with your own sheets,
Your screams with my beats,
Girl you aint my type,
Unless your down with duct tape and a butcher knife
And your head makes contact with my lead pipe,
I gotta fuck ya,
Chuck ya,
Wish bad luck upon ya,
I aint a contender,
I gotta blender,
And enough time to make ya ass surrender,
You'll hate where I'll send her,
six feet under and dead like me,
Bitch you got beat with every branch in the ugly tree,
You aint for me,
You'll soon see,
Your life the castatrophe,
With a piercing in your face,
Like a disgrace,
To the motha fuckin human race,
You'll know terror when the day is here,
When I drink way too much fuckin beer,
And I'm horny,
Crying is so corny,
You go ahead and mourn her,
When I got that slut trapped in a corner,
You wanna cheat me?
You never see the time when I'm participatin via orgy,
So sorry just kidding I'm not,
I'll use you for sex, money, cigarettes, and pot,
Whether you like it or not,
Just like a fire I'm burning hot,
Hot is something you wish,
But you're fat like madden and 3 times a bitch,
grab you by your ankles and make a wish,
I'll split ya,
Shit right on ya,
staple your lips shut,
brass knuckle fist in your butt,
You worthless slut,
Fire your ass like Donald Trump,
Getting picked on like Forrest Gump,
Run Forrest Run but you'll never hide,
Never escape where this hate resides,
Best commit suicide,
Less violent then my crime,
Tear out your eye,
skull fucked until the second you die,
hobbys are homicide,
you're in for a ride,
You'll never be his and you'll never be mine,
Girl stop frontin',
You aint nothin',
I'll think with my dick,
Cause you got tits,
Bitch you continue to wish,
Masturbate grand finale finish,
Stitch your Cunt closed and cut off your clit.
I'm such a sicko, I love it!