This is my friend Emily
She and I met while I was deployed in El Paso. She is Cute but just my friend. Let me tell you a story about true events that took place with her.
Her and I worked at what is called a SRP site(soldier Readiness Processing site) at Ft Bliss Texas. Basicly we screened soldiers and savilians who were going to Iraq Afghanistan ect. One of our Co-workers was a man that I will call SGT. Burns. As in MR Burns from the Simpsons. Why? Because the guy looked JUST like Mr BURNS from the Simpson Cartoon series.
Well Burns has a relationship less close that she and I have. I think the guy maybe went to her house at a get together ONE time.
Months Go buy and we ALL work side by side. Pretty NORMAL stuff. One day when we were at another friends house Emily gets a call from her mom. You see she lives at home with her mom while she is going to school. The message to Emilly is, " Some guy is here claiming he works with you and wants to talk to you. Emilly determines its SGT BURNS(not his real name). She gets in her car with another friend her hers and heads to the house.
As she is driving up she sees Burns dressed in what she described as, "an Old Miami Vice Suit...with the T-SHirt and Hair Slicked back". SHe has a uneasy fealing abou things. She gets out of the Car and Burns aproaches her. He smells of Calongne and B.O. He then proceedes to give his pitch.
Burns-"Emil.y I know you don't know me but I feel I'm the man for you."
Emilly thinks to herself "No, this isn't happening!!!"
Burns-"I Want to take care of you Emily. I have great plans! I'm opening aresturaunt and Then I'm going to become a Mortician..I start school in San Antonio..."
Emilly zones out and thinks "No, No,NO...I want to Cry"
Burns-Reaches into his coat pocket and puls out a Ring. Not just any RIng. BUT THE RING OF POWER.
Emilly Is crying and inside. She says that she could not take it. Burns insist she hold it and decide. Emilly Doesn't want to be to confrontational because who KNOWS what could happen. She thinks to herslef "No body wants to propose to me and when it happens its like this..and he couldn't get me a decient ring...OR BATHE!!!!
Of course she let him down gently. WHen we as her friends HEARD the story the reaction is something like her cousins BELOW....
She and I met while I was deployed in El Paso. She is Cute but just my friend. Let me tell you a story about true events that took place with her.
Her and I worked at what is called a SRP site(soldier Readiness Processing site) at Ft Bliss Texas. Basicly we screened soldiers and savilians who were going to Iraq Afghanistan ect. One of our Co-workers was a man that I will call SGT. Burns. As in MR Burns from the Simpsons. Why? Because the guy looked JUST like Mr BURNS from the Simpson Cartoon series.
Well Burns has a relationship less close that she and I have. I think the guy maybe went to her house at a get together ONE time.
Months Go buy and we ALL work side by side. Pretty NORMAL stuff. One day when we were at another friends house Emily gets a call from her mom. You see she lives at home with her mom while she is going to school. The message to Emilly is, " Some guy is here claiming he works with you and wants to talk to you. Emilly determines its SGT BURNS(not his real name). She gets in her car with another friend her hers and heads to the house.
As she is driving up she sees Burns dressed in what she described as, "an Old Miami Vice Suit...with the T-SHirt and Hair Slicked back". SHe has a uneasy fealing abou things. She gets out of the Car and Burns aproaches her. He smells of Calongne and B.O. He then proceedes to give his pitch.
Burns-"Emil.y I know you don't know me but I feel I'm the man for you."
Emilly thinks to herself "No, this isn't happening!!!"
Burns-"I Want to take care of you Emily. I have great plans! I'm opening aresturaunt and Then I'm going to become a Mortician..I start school in San Antonio..."
Emilly zones out and thinks "No, No,NO...I want to Cry"
Burns-Reaches into his coat pocket and puls out a Ring. Not just any RIng. BUT THE RING OF POWER.
Emilly Is crying and inside. She says that she could not take it. Burns insist she hold it and decide. Emilly Doesn't want to be to confrontational because who KNOWS what could happen. She thinks to herslef "No body wants to propose to me and when it happens its like this..and he couldn't get me a decient ring...OR BATHE!!!!
Of course she let him down gently. WHen we as her friends HEARD the story the reaction is something like her cousins BELOW....