In my last update I told you I was hanging out with a friend of mine while he goes through personal Problems. To sum it up he met this girl while we both were deployed to another in Texas city for Uncle Sam. He was having problems with a long term girlfriend that he left behind here in San Antonio. He and the girl in the other town became a couple and her broke it off with his girlfriend in SA. She is much younger and verry imature. They have had monumental problems durring there COURTSHIP. He asked her to marry him on New Years EVE. THE PROBLEMS have gotten worse. He says"Id rather be miserable with you and miserable alone"
I have a concept of love enough to know that any of my past failed relationships wasn't the REAL DEAL. At what point does a guy or girl say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? Passion is just that PASSION and it really can't sustain a REALATIONSHIP. Don't get me wrong; your mate should TURN YOU ON, but there is more to life that physical activities. People say that "life is short". WRONG! Life is LOOONG. I mean LOOOOOONG. If you're going to commit to somebody it better be somebody you can tollerate, respect, and love. It must me recipricated.
In my last update I told you I was hanging out with a friend of mine while he goes through personal Problems. To sum it up he met this girl while we both were deployed to another in Texas city for Uncle Sam. He was having problems with a long term girlfriend that he left behind here in San Antonio. He and the girl in the other town became a couple and her broke it off with his girlfriend in SA. She is much younger and verry imature. They have had monumental problems durring there COURTSHIP. He asked her to marry him on New Years EVE. THE PROBLEMS have gotten worse. He says"Id rather be miserable with you and miserable alone"
I have a concept of love enough to know that any of my past failed relationships wasn't the REAL DEAL. At what point does a guy or girl say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? Passion is just that PASSION and it really can't sustain a REALATIONSHIP. Don't get me wrong; your mate should TURN YOU ON, but there is more to life that physical activities. People say that "life is short". WRONG! Life is LOOONG. I mean LOOOOOONG. If you're going to commit to somebody it better be somebody you can tollerate, respect, and love. It must me recipricated.
Thanks! I try with the whole drawing thing... 

OMG... rims... that is HOT! I've never heard them called that!!! I was thinking of starting an SG group for people that wear glasses... I just don't know what to call it... 'Four Eyes', 'Specs', 'Frames'... but I dunno... maybe I will just go with 'Rims'!!! XOXO How are you love?