Edit: Hoo-boy, it's a good thing I take safety seriously. ACID TO THE FASE!!
Drain in the bathroom sink had a major clog, so I grabbed my trusty drain cleaner. Now, this stuff is no pussy Draino shit, it's hardcore stuff - 95% sulphuric acid. If it weren't for the full-face gas mask (that stuff smells horrible when it comes into contact with organic material [hair]) and chemical gloves I was wearing, I'd have some major burns to my face and hands, because there was a big splash back when I started pouring it.
Ah fuck... I just noticed I got some on my shirt. It's all full of holes.
Not much to say really, so here's some photographs I took to ease my boredom.
The Loewe/Opta Komet that my Grandfather bought when he was stationed in Soest, W. Germany.
A Closer shot of the Komet.
When I was a kid, I'd look at the long list of stations and wish that I could tune into them. Leipzig, Hannover, Prague, Saarbrucken, Paris, Monte Carlo, Budapest... a whole shit-ton of cities across Europe. The best I can do with it right now is listen to the football game. The FM reception sucks, but what do you expect from an antique vacuum tube powered radio from around 1955?
Edit: Hoo-boy, it's a good thing I take safety seriously. ACID TO THE FASE!!
Drain in the bathroom sink had a major clog, so I grabbed my trusty drain cleaner. Now, this stuff is no pussy Draino shit, it's hardcore stuff - 95% sulphuric acid. If it weren't for the full-face gas mask (that stuff smells horrible when it comes into contact with organic material [hair]) and chemical gloves I was wearing, I'd have some major burns to my face and hands, because there was a big splash back when I started pouring it.
Ah fuck... I just noticed I got some on my shirt. It's all full of holes.
Not much to say really, so here's some photographs I took to ease my boredom.

The Loewe/Opta Komet that my Grandfather bought when he was stationed in Soest, W. Germany.

A Closer shot of the Komet.

When I was a kid, I'd look at the long list of stations and wish that I could tune into them. Leipzig, Hannover, Prague, Saarbrucken, Paris, Monte Carlo, Budapest... a whole shit-ton of cities across Europe. The best I can do with it right now is listen to the football game. The FM reception sucks, but what do you expect from an antique vacuum tube powered radio from around 1955?
*envies your talent*