Man... stupid people should be banned from driving, plain and simple. Or much else, for that matter. No, I didn't get into any accident, but my bro was towing his friend's truck - they were just leaving a stop sign and some woman came flying out of knowhere like a bat outta hell - slows down a bit and glares at my bro as he's halfway thru the intersection then guns it - right into the tow rope, majorly fucking up her car. No damage to either the truck he was driving or the truck he was towing, but the towrope is busted in 3 places. Then she proceeds to bitch him out and shit. Wench. Open your damn eyes, it's a huge yellow towrope that's 3 feet off the ground, with a giant truck with its hazards on attached to the other end. I wish I was there, just to bitch her out for being a retard.
She took his licence, but nothing's happened so far. If she takes this to SGI or whatever, hopefully they find her in the wrong (which should be what happens - there were six people with my brother and they all confirmed that she slammed on the gas after initially slowing down.) I must also mention that she was ultra rude to everybody and anybody that was around.
She took his licence, but nothing's happened so far. If she takes this to SGI or whatever, hopefully they find her in the wrong (which should be what happens - there were six people with my brother and they all confirmed that she slammed on the gas after initially slowing down.) I must also mention that she was ultra rude to everybody and anybody that was around.
And yes the Jagalyzer is what the name shall be! It should prove to be intresting...if not deadly. We shall see.