So, gonna go downtown tomorrow and sell a couple redundant effects pedals that I have kicking around (that I've used maybe a few times each). Hopefully I can get a decent price for the lot. The wah should net me at least 50 clams, and the other two maybe around 25 apiece. Not bad, it'll cover the cost of shipping and a fraction of the price of the sampler I just bought off eBay. Christ, how can I buy shit like that when I'm broke? Meh, I blame rampant (vintage) gear lust.
It's all good though, I'll have all my debt paid off in just over a month anyways.
While I'm at it, I should call and see when the PCR30M1 is being released, as I want to trade my PCR30 in it. The new features are exactly what I've always felt was lacking in mine. (Full MIDI interfacing [USB and MIDI simultaneously], more rounded keys [I'm always tripping on the keys when playing], and velocity curve adjustment, among others)
Enough tech talk already.
Tax season is fast approaching.
Shouldn't be as hectic this year though, at least I hope so. Who else despises that crap? I mean... the returns are mediocre at best (that is, if you even get a return), and if I even get one, I'm probably going to have to give it to my mom to pay hers. :/ Can I just win the damn lottery already, please?
It's all good though, I'll have all my debt paid off in just over a month anyways.
While I'm at it, I should call and see when the PCR30M1 is being released, as I want to trade my PCR30 in it. The new features are exactly what I've always felt was lacking in mine. (Full MIDI interfacing [USB and MIDI simultaneously], more rounded keys [I'm always tripping on the keys when playing], and velocity curve adjustment, among others)
Enough tech talk already.
Tax season is fast approaching.

What type of pedals man? I have a distortion pedal ... but I need a digital delay pedal as well. Let me know what you have and I might take some off your hands. 

I can never seem to get out of a ticket...I must lack Charm...or charisma....either way I get indeed, everyday I realize that the party is on saturday and I get really nervous....bah...head exploding!!!! OH and it starts at around 8...or shortly thereafter...depends on you!