Been a while since I updated...
The holidays have been alright I suppose, nothing extraordinary though.
If you haven't sensed it already, I'm feeling a bit 'down' - 1 part due to extreme computer related aggravation and 1 part reflection on the past 12 months, and a pinch of crumbled friendships.
I'll spare the technobabble this time - basically I've been looking back at the past year. For the most part, my year has sucked ass, big time. Yes, there were high points such as my excursion to Vancouver, getting an SG membership & meeting all you crazy awesome people and my 2 months working in Regina. The latter however, also depresses me somewhat - the fact of the matter is that I pretty much have a job waiting for me in Edmonton - something I could have done this summer - the thing is that I don't want to have to move to Edmonton or Alberta for that matter, even though I wouldn't be in town for much as work is as much travel as um... work.
Anyways, I'm pissed at myself for being lazy/indecisive about my work situation, my debts, and about whether or not to go to that school. Either way all 3 are in direct relation to one another.
The crumbled friendships don't bother me too much anymore though, as it seems it's slowly patching itself up, but it's weird.
I suppose another thing that kinda sucked about the past year is that it's been something like 3 years since I've been in any kind of (meaningful) relationship. I think it may have something to do with my thick-headed manness - I'm blind as 'ell when it comes to reading signals - oh hell, I'm not going to get into that.
Anyways, I'm tired as hell and I can hardly see what I'm typing anymore. G'nite all.
The holidays have been alright I suppose, nothing extraordinary though.
If you haven't sensed it already, I'm feeling a bit 'down' - 1 part due to extreme computer related aggravation and 1 part reflection on the past 12 months, and a pinch of crumbled friendships.
I'll spare the technobabble this time - basically I've been looking back at the past year. For the most part, my year has sucked ass, big time. Yes, there were high points such as my excursion to Vancouver, getting an SG membership & meeting all you crazy awesome people and my 2 months working in Regina. The latter however, also depresses me somewhat - the fact of the matter is that I pretty much have a job waiting for me in Edmonton - something I could have done this summer - the thing is that I don't want to have to move to Edmonton or Alberta for that matter, even though I wouldn't be in town for much as work is as much travel as um... work.
Anyways, I'm pissed at myself for being lazy/indecisive about my work situation, my debts, and about whether or not to go to that school. Either way all 3 are in direct relation to one another.
The crumbled friendships don't bother me too much anymore though, as it seems it's slowly patching itself up, but it's weird.
I suppose another thing that kinda sucked about the past year is that it's been something like 3 years since I've been in any kind of (meaningful) relationship. I think it may have something to do with my thick-headed manness - I'm blind as 'ell when it comes to reading signals - oh hell, I'm not going to get into that.
Anyways, I'm tired as hell and I can hardly see what I'm typing anymore. G'nite all.