Sunday Nov 14, 2004 Nov 14, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email I want to thank the SGRegina crew for the good times last night, I haven't had fun like that in a while. Many laughs. Though, I think my retinas are burned from the ever-present camera flash - especially Ceilidh's seizure-inducing camera. Thanks again for the good times, and thanks again to Oracle for the ride home! VIEW 14 of 14 COMMENTS whitewidow: You don't think that it is scary?? Come on - I'm a green mean fighting machine O.K.- so all I do is fix people, but still - I thought that I at least looked tough Chow Nov 19, 2004 whitewidow: Thanks! At least I have the look down right? Hey is that the pic I took of you??? Nice! Chow Nov 19, 2004