One month to go until Ministry and KMFDM wreak havoc on the Flatlands. By far, this year is the best when it comes to live shows. Only crappy part is that I missed out on seeing Puppy because I had to go back home to the prairies to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out. Not a happy camper about that one. But then again, seeing Einsturzende Neubauten in Van City and, Ministry, TKK and KMFDM playing a week apart and only 30 minutes from my home is far from a bad thing.
More Blogs
Saturday May 28, 2005
Ugh. This is gonna be an intense few days. I finally got that gear … -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
So, 'tow rope' lady filed a claim at SGI yesterday. Had my brother f… -
Monday May 23, 2005
Man... stupid people should be banned from driving, plain and simple.… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
Man... I awoke this morning due to a supremely fucked up dream. The … -
Tuesday May 17, 2005
Update time! Weekend was okay I suppose. Drove to Regina on Satur… -
Sunday May 08, 2005
Lame. We got a battery and oil filter for my dad's bike, but it was … -
Thursday May 05, 2005
Wow. Everything hit my Grandpa (mom's stepdad) at once. He drove do… -
Thursday Apr 28, 2005
Arg. I got a nasty cold, and it sucks big time. Actually, it blows.… -
Wednesday Apr 20, 2005
Aw man, I got the heeblie-geeblies all over again just thinking about… -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2005
Ah man, it couldn't be any easier. Today was a fucking BREEZE. Easy…
Alas, I am far, far, FAR too poor to consider having any fun for a few months. Stupid lack of money *fish (yes, fish) shaking ensues*