Heh. So earlier today my mum got some free cans of that Coke Zero shit. I picked up a can, looked at it and went "No Sugar... No Calories... No thanks". I tried it anyway, and it licks balls. The adverts say 'All the taste of Coke." They forgot one word - 'Diet'. It tastes exactly the fucking same as Diet Coke. Oh well, Coke licks balls to begin with.
I'll go back to pounding back my Keith's and Stolichnaya, thanks. Not mixed together, of course, you'd have to be nutty to do that.
I'll go back to pounding back my Keith's and Stolichnaya, thanks. Not mixed together, of course, you'd have to be nutty to do that.
Quite right! However, now I know you're not going to believe this, but Coke and Stolichnaya make a rather delectible drink!
To me, if it ain't got no calories or no caffeine, why the hell do you want to drink it anyway? You may as well have water