- on Share Your Lock Screen! in silliness
- on Valentine's Day for One in hopeless romantics
- on demi's photo
- on sadiee's photo
- on demi's photo
- on cherrybomb's blog post
My sister crocheted a blanket for my mom
She made a lighthouse for the yard with a solar light in it
I had it printed on a canvas and hung it on my wall
Had my first day back at work after fracturing my elbow in December and it felt great to be back and out of the house. I didn't have any issues and no pain.
From juliju
Thanks for passing by 🥰🥰🥰
From kylathompson
Thank you for your comment on my set Joe 😉❤️
I was nominated by @vivianbliss so I figured I'd give this a shot
1. Favorite band/artist?
That's basically an impossible question, my favorite changes like the weather lol
2. Favorite song All time or Recently
Stone In Love by Journey
3. Favorite album?
Hybrid Theory
4. First concert?
Colin Raye at Indian Ranch
5. Last concert you went to?
Impact music festival
6. Favorite concert?...
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When I was 6 months old my older brother died of viral meningitis, a couple of months after his death I was sleeping upstairs when my mom heard him calling her name. When she entered my room upstairs there was a blue orb of light at the foot of my crib and I had a blanket wrapped around my neck and was suffocating. After she...
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@shenzy I'm right here