ghost town
everyone of those little shit's that pay those huge tution fees here at austin pea state university is back home with their families. and i'm glad, now the traffic is mangable.
i miss CT.
you know what i miss, it's not my family, though i love most of them considerabley and i enjoy every second of playing with my cousins, they grate on me.
it's not my friends, cause i am gone, and they have moved on, and i would be a stranger among many, and a nuisnace to most.
and it's not the water. no nothing in the water is callin me back home.
it's DENNY'S!
i'll never go anywhere, and feel like i'm in denny's, not like back home. and even there i would feel out of place.
this exsaperates me to a level i didnt' think i could acheive. i mean it's a god damn restaurant. but alot of what i am and who i have become is because of that place. nearly all my stories begin with no shit there i was in denny's.
pretty fucked.........
i hate my life.
everyone of those little shit's that pay those huge tution fees here at austin pea state university is back home with their families. and i'm glad, now the traffic is mangable.
i miss CT.
you know what i miss, it's not my family, though i love most of them considerabley and i enjoy every second of playing with my cousins, they grate on me.
it's not my friends, cause i am gone, and they have moved on, and i would be a stranger among many, and a nuisnace to most.
and it's not the water. no nothing in the water is callin me back home.
it's DENNY'S!
i'll never go anywhere, and feel like i'm in denny's, not like back home. and even there i would feel out of place.
this exsaperates me to a level i didnt' think i could acheive. i mean it's a god damn restaurant. but alot of what i am and who i have become is because of that place. nearly all my stories begin with no shit there i was in denny's.
pretty fucked.........
i hate my life.
We have those restaurants here. You should just start off fresh by going to a new restaurant. You can make new memories there. Isn't it funny how when you are away from home it's the strangest damn things that you miss?