just got done watchin Serindipity. it was good. i liked it a lot. i think tomorrow is gonna be a john cusak night. every single john cusak movie every made, because i own them all. every single one, oh and high school high too. i need to bury myself in romantic comedies, to help numb the pain of real life.
i wish my life were a john cusak movie. you know what i mean, where i wonder through life unimbiguosly. then when i least expect it, whamo!, the perfect girl just drops into my life. then something happens and the girl leaves. then something else happens, and we live happily ever after.
dreams, why must i try so very hard to live in them, instead of trying to make them a reality?
i wish my life were a john cusak movie. you know what i mean, where i wonder through life unimbiguosly. then when i least expect it, whamo!, the perfect girl just drops into my life. then something happens and the girl leaves. then something else happens, and we live happily ever after.
dreams, why must i try so very hard to live in them, instead of trying to make them a reality?