i live. things have been hecktic on the home front. i got married three months ago, went on my honeymoon, and now i'm in ny for work. it's been good so far.........
More Blogs
Thursday Dec 30, 2004
just got off work. yay for half days. and it actually is as i am now … -
Wednesday Dec 29, 2004
sitting here eating my steak quasadia drinkin me killians and watchin… -
Sunday Dec 19, 2004
some recent devolpements from my yahoo personals online bullshit. tho… -
Sunday Dec 19, 2004
gonna start packing to move today. been putting it off. don't really … -
Saturday Dec 18, 2004
well ok. i know i'm not the catch of the day. nor am i the kinda guy … -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
well good god damn! i finally found a house to move into. and i stil… -
Sunday Dec 12, 2004
ghost town everyone of those little shit's that pay those huge tutio… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
sitting drinking my cofffee, and honey. nuthing is in my brain today.… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
well let's see it's been about 10 days since i went to the feild, or … -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
fucking shite!!!!! all that work of longness and writtin don't you pe…
Really, not many good things going on, the best thing was getting laid off, I would give anything for them to tell me they dont need me, it would give me time to find a job I want to do, or at least a job different then this job.