so many beautiful girls, so little time. i have been fighting the good fight, and alas no one out there is acknowledging my strugles. it seems i'm moving farthur down the spiral to an evil dark place. and while that would probably firghten most i enjoy the blood lust as it is. i'm fighting wearily to keep my head above the bullshit. and loosing. but fuck it. i should jsut dive in head first and roll to the very bottom and come out successfully on the otherside. jsut to see the me that is there.
i visit with humor and jovialality from time to time. but to no avail. i can't stay. thank you and the coffee has been exceptional. but i must move on to fight and rampage and destroy.
funny the life thatthis little goth druid is living. i am a man of Gaia, wanting to only see her survive, buttryin to survive in the process.
i came into this army to make something of myself. instead i am decimating those that would stand against me.
as i rool down the happy lane i come upon not those i would meet and learn from but instead to those that i am to kill, stranding their family without their who-ever. daddy? no junior haji daddy is dead and i will be taking his head with me of proof of his lose at my hands.
tropheis let's talk about trophies. i have many trophies earned out here. physical and mental scars will forever litter my body.
while i sit here resting in a few of my down moments with absolutely nothing to do but compemplate what comes nest i wonder what will be of me in ayear. when this armyt and this country is left so far back in myre of my mind. will i cherish these moments later in life. re-living them to a grandchild? or will i hide this portion of my life as i do so many others?
time and life will only answer these questions.
p.s. why the fuck is it everytime i post a new journal entry on here i am so damn abysmally sour? when i hold my Lynn and am covered in so much dust and mud i smile?
i visit with humor and jovialality from time to time. but to no avail. i can't stay. thank you and the coffee has been exceptional. but i must move on to fight and rampage and destroy.
funny the life thatthis little goth druid is living. i am a man of Gaia, wanting to only see her survive, buttryin to survive in the process.
i came into this army to make something of myself. instead i am decimating those that would stand against me.
as i rool down the happy lane i come upon not those i would meet and learn from but instead to those that i am to kill, stranding their family without their who-ever. daddy? no junior haji daddy is dead and i will be taking his head with me of proof of his lose at my hands.
tropheis let's talk about trophies. i have many trophies earned out here. physical and mental scars will forever litter my body.
while i sit here resting in a few of my down moments with absolutely nothing to do but compemplate what comes nest i wonder what will be of me in ayear. when this armyt and this country is left so far back in myre of my mind. will i cherish these moments later in life. re-living them to a grandchild? or will i hide this portion of my life as i do so many others?
time and life will only answer these questions.
p.s. why the fuck is it everytime i post a new journal entry on here i am so damn abysmally sour? when i hold my Lynn and am covered in so much dust and mud i smile?
what is going on? things are crazy as fuck right now.