Ok, Aeryn tagged everybody that read her journal to do a thanksgiving list - and I'll repeat her "and everybody that reads this is tagged". So - Tag!
I'm thankful that Life ain't bad
I'm Thankful that I'm going to be spending Thanksgiving with my fam, even if it's short by one. *sigh*. (bittersweet thanks)
I'm thankful that I've got a good job.
I'm thankful I've got a new place to live.
I'm thankful I found SG (thanks Nymph) and all the friends I've got here
lol - Drawing a blank here - I'm sure I'll think of more later...
I'm thankful that Life ain't bad

I'm Thankful that I'm going to be spending Thanksgiving with my fam, even if it's short by one. *sigh*. (bittersweet thanks)
I'm thankful that I've got a good job.
I'm thankful I've got a new place to live.
I'm thankful I found SG (thanks Nymph) and all the friends I've got here
lol - Drawing a blank here - I'm sure I'll think of more later...
I'd do that list thing, but..no. I don't normally do those, in blogs or emails or whatnot, and that list of 20 things was a stretch for me.
I hope your day yesterday was a good one.