Things have been so busy the last month that I haven't been able to get to a computer, as it is I have got about 5 minutes spare, so apologies everyone, for the little I have done so far but I look forward to adding some pics and being more productive on the site very soon. skull
Well I shall be looking forward to that then!
Just finished my second naval piercing it is starting to look cool, I am aiming for the jolly roger look with a skull and cross bones, I think the trickiest thing is getting a skull and putting the threads in it so the barbells screw in nicely. Love a challenge.

Just read what I wrote, when I say my second naval piercing I mean my...
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you so need to update!!! (Pushy bitch aren't I?)
So here we are and only 2 more nights before the SG show, can't wait, Looks like it will be a big one, hopefully it won't be a hassel to get in to the afterparty, heard mix reports about the staff there, the work on my misery sleeve has been put on hold until I finish my other sleeve. Had a couple of hours more...
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see you friday, i'll be pretty obvious if youve looked at the pics in my tats folder
Today is the end of daylight savings and stupid me, forgot to set my clock back, an extra hour sleep would of gone done well. Had a huge one last night, saw an excellent band at the Landsdown Hotel, too bad I was 2 drunk to remember their name. It is always the same the first beer tastes so nice and the second and third...
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Oh yes. I become witty and about 14 years younger. Magic stuff!
you going along to the friday night show? if you are remember not too many beers or you'll forget the girls wink

(i cant have a big friday, driving back up for the brisbane show first thing saturday)
Went to Bondi to check out a friend's hair studio today. Some little old lady came in for a hair cut, took one look at me and loudly asked who I was then commented that I looked weired. Didn't realise that old age excused people for being rude and obnoxious. If she actually took the time she might of realised that I am a nice...
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I find it funny when kid point at me and ask their mum. "mum look at that mans hair" "whats he done to his hair mum"
Mum look rather uncomfortable tells child to stop pointing at me and drags them away. At which stage I introduce myself. Let the kids have look at my hair. Whilst mum spends most of her time apolagising for her childrens curiosity. smile
Oh yeah, I can't wait until I am old so I can say whatever I darn well please! So many old people do that don't they!? Well when it's my turn I am gonna make the most of it! hehe
Another productive day, finally finished the flash for my sleeve on my left arm, I have been working on a pain and misery theme, will be good to see the end result from my mind to paper then this weekend it will start to be put on flesh. skull smile
just saw your "grow old disgracefully" comment... you will be right at home here wink
Welcome to SG mate....

Gave up smoking yesterday and lasted until 730 that night when my flatmate lit up for the 3rd time in front of me. Oh well I might try again next week or the week after. LOL skull On a brighter note not long now until the suicide girls hit town, can't wait. love
It's ok that you still smoke


Nobody likes a quitter whatever
what a weekend, went out friday night ended up at Blink night club in Sydney city and to be honest it is still one of the best clubs to go to if you like alternative music and the vibe there is excellent. So saturday was spent nursing a hang over and I swore that I was going to have an early one on Saturday night,...
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Thanks dude.

Hey you should check out the Pierced group as well, especially if you're in the business.
Will do, tah smile
Well its Friday and a few of us are going to check out the Blink Club at Agins Court. I haven't been there since it has moved from Kings Cross, so I will be pretty interested to see what it is like now. Besides that it has been a quiet day, I think the rain has scared every body off.
Well another day almost finished and the only decision left make is to go out and have a drink or not. One thing I do hate about Sydney is when you take your eyes off something for more than 10 seconds someone will steal it. I was on the computer in a cafe and stupid me leaves my phone on my bag behind my seat...
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