Stuck at work on 6:00 on a friday night. Waiting for a call from a client.
So, you've seen the Internet ads for Dirty Love, the bimbo-tacular new movie starring Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra? Well the official movie site is hosted on my company's web servers. The bandwidth they are using is over 8 times what we had sold them.
So here I sit, waiting for my man from the ad agency to call me with his new hosting IP address so I can update his host records and start my fucking weekend.
He's telling me about 4 hours.
Stuck at work on 6:00 on a friday night. Waiting for a call from a client.
So, you've seen the Internet ads for Dirty Love, the bimbo-tacular new movie starring Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra? Well the official movie site is hosted on my company's web servers. The bandwidth they are using is over 8 times what we had sold them.
So here I sit, waiting for my man from the ad agency to call me with his new hosting IP address so I can update his host records and start my fucking weekend.
He's telling me about 4 hours.


i just emailed you back!