Blockbuster screwed me the moment they hired me. As a matter of fact, they screwed me BY hiring me. I hated that job. I enjoy movies.... probably know way too much about them and still hated it.... but my boss was a bit of an asshole. I guess I shouldn't say that though, her being dead and all. It's ok though, me and my friend that was a manager got our revenge, we stole shit every night we closed together..... oh to be young and careless again. Now if I tried to steal something, I'd probably turn myself in. Anyway, I noticed that you worked at Barnes and Noble too. I am a head cashier (about to be cash manager) at one in Brooklyn. Wow, this is getting weirder by the minute. Ever work at Movie Gallery (so much cooler than Blockbuster because I got away with bitching customers out all the time) or Winn Dixie (probably not, seeing as how that is a southern grocery store chain)?
Ok, I'll stop typing now.
Ok, I'll stop typing now.