Ladies and gentelmen, I am the proud new owner of this super bad ass poster:
Thanks Jon, Staycie and Ross for helping make my dreams into a reality. The rest of you degenerates can suck a fart out of my ass...thanks for nothing.
This weekend is going to be fantabulous. A very good friend of mine is DJing at his first rave party tonight. Cross your fingers for him, he's super stoked. Tomorrow I get to help ironbhr and SamanthaKayne move to their new love nest somewhere in North Denver. After that it's a shower (if you're lucky) and off to prcnct13's birthday party for some rooftop shenanigans.
Thanks for coming out to coffee with me last night, you guys. Coffee nights are my very favorite SGColorado outings. Here are some pictures I took with my phone:
This one is a picture of Keef talking about fucking someone's wife, or something (I really wish I remembered the quote, it was truly priceless).
And here is MadScience_7, Eponine and Sneeker laughing at Keef.
We had a grand total of 0 SGColorado window scratchers at coffee last night, which is way lame. Maybe next time.

Thanks Jon, Staycie and Ross for helping make my dreams into a reality. The rest of you degenerates can suck a fart out of my ass...thanks for nothing.
This weekend is going to be fantabulous. A very good friend of mine is DJing at his first rave party tonight. Cross your fingers for him, he's super stoked. Tomorrow I get to help ironbhr and SamanthaKayne move to their new love nest somewhere in North Denver. After that it's a shower (if you're lucky) and off to prcnct13's birthday party for some rooftop shenanigans.
Thanks for coming out to coffee with me last night, you guys. Coffee nights are my very favorite SGColorado outings. Here are some pictures I took with my phone:
This one is a picture of Keef talking about fucking someone's wife, or something (I really wish I remembered the quote, it was truly priceless).

And here is MadScience_7, Eponine and Sneeker laughing at Keef.

We had a grand total of 0 SGColorado window scratchers at coffee last night, which is way lame. Maybe next time.
You dont keep yours clean?
coming out tonight?