I said "No problem."
With no hesitation the little boy said "Thank you."
I smiled at him and said "You bet."
Then he looked me dead in the eye, smiled and said "Thank you."
I said "Your welcome." Then he giggled, his mom giggled and I walked upstairs to my office with a grin.
That's not the only thing I'm happy about this morning. I found a couple of articles that confirms much of what I've been complaining about during this year's NFL post season.
From www.patriotsinsider.com
The public outcry over the status of officiating in the postseason has caused the NFL to issue a statement on the matter. The center of the issue is the postseason calls made in three games, not just the Super Bowl. The Broncos-Patriots game, the Steelers-Colts game and of course, everything came to a head at the Super Bowl.
Although I was touting Pittsburgh up until kickoff, their win was ill-gotten and just plain not fair. That first Rothlisberger touchdown call made me sick to my stomach.
My complaint has been validated. This was the worst officiated year I have ever seen.
Here is another article that you might like if you were at all upset by some zebras this season.
Have you ever seen any one so happy in your whole entire life?