As little as the little things are, when they accumulate they can really make circumstances difficult. One small thing after another, not enough to stress you out or make you unhappy, just one small thing after another. Eventually you look out over a seeming ocean of small things that you may have been dealing with. Suddenly you realize that for as small as those things are, all together they could suffocate you.
Tonight, out of the blue, I got a call from a very close friend. We had a couple beers and talked about our dogs, our homes, our exes and anything else we found to talk about.
Friends are where it is at. My friends are the most important thing in my life. Interacting and reacting to our experiences and environments together is one of the best things I have in my life. The amount of knowledge and growth I have achieved through my friends is worth more then anything else I have ever possessed.
To those of you that I have shared with, and you know who you are. You are the most important people I know.

Tonight, out of the blue, I got a call from a very close friend. We had a couple beers and talked about our dogs, our homes, our exes and anything else we found to talk about.
Friends are where it is at. My friends are the most important thing in my life. Interacting and reacting to our experiences and environments together is one of the best things I have in my life. The amount of knowledge and growth I have achieved through my friends is worth more then anything else I have ever possessed.
To those of you that I have shared with, and you know who you are. You are the most important people I know.

Why, cause I booted and actual SG friend for you?
Thank you!