1) Height? Comin’ in hot at steamy 5’4 🥵
2) Virgin? When it comes to eating kiwis 🥝
3) Do you smoke? Cigarettes are a HARD NO but cannabis? All day everyday please🌱
4) Do you drink? Not anymore really! I’ll drink beer every so often. I got the heavy drinking out of system early on so I’m good now🤢
5) Age you get mistaken for? Depends. If I’m wearing makeup people are usually spot on but if I’m not they think I’m 17😭
6) Any tattoos? 15 (I think) if we aren’t breaking down my back piece 😂
7) Any piercings? Only 3. Nipples, Tragus, Monroe. I want more but darker skin scars and keloids easier than fair skin so my options are limited with the risk I’m willing to take👍🏾
8) Best friend? Cats count right?🐈
9)A fact about your personality: I don’t realize it often, but immediately after laughing I naturally go back to a plain straight face because my cheeks are sore and then people think my laugh was never genuine to begin with😭
10) What career did you choose when you were a child? Vet until I realized I’d have to stick my finger in their rear and put them down. Not necessarily in that order and I know it would be to help the animal but it made me too grossed out and WAY WAY WAY too sad 😞
11) Where would you like to be right now? Back to Japan. I hit milestones of being an independent adult for the first time there (amongst other things) and I don’t think it will ever stop feeling like home🏡
@rambo @missy
Your turn!
@melei @wickid @niffler