- on Whos in germany? in sg europe
- on rocky's album
- on trilla's blog post
- on top 5 suicide girls! in top fives
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Uggghhhhhh guys guys guys. So long story short I’ve had 3 surgeries in a little over the course of 2 weeks and have been in and out of the hospital pain management and I’m FINALLY BACK IN MY OWN BED where I can be in agony in peace 😪😂 though I’m still walking hunched over (which I know is bad. Don’t @ me lol) but
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Tbh I think these might be favorite photos from this set. Sassy, and artsy😛
Thank you so much everyone for showing love on both of my sets in MR! I’m not gonna hounding until it’s on the front page but my “thank you” still stands!!🤪 🥰
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So many things have been running through my mind lately and I feel like I’m rediscovering the things that truly bring me joy and why. If that’s too cryptic check out my last few tweets of you’re on that annoying bird app🐦. I think this might be the “change” in myself I’ve been subconsciously trying to force but also ignore and its kind of fucking
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I’m sure some of you are bit tired of seeing me post pics of my newest set UGH! Hey, What’s this, EASTER?! since I’m sure you’ve seen it and shown love if your on my page😂 Which btw THANK YOU EVERYONE WE MADE IT TO 1k in under a week😭 lets keep this momentum going! 👏🏾
As brief intermission I wanted to let you all
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Words cannot express how thankful I am for all the love you all have shown and are continuing to show on my newest set UGH! Hey, What’s this, Easter?!
This was the second set I shot in LA with the amazing @leemalee✨ We’re so close to 1k hearts I think we can totally do it before the end of the month!!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵). I’ve been wanting to
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Guess who decided they were done sleeping off their ketamine🤪
Todays been far too long and far too stressful. I know I should be sleeping but I’m kinda really excited sooooooo enjoy these photos of me, professionally high right after I got done crying about the IV needle📸🤣
My newest set is LIVE in 20, so after you get done laughing at these, Just remember
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1) Height? Comin’ in hot at steamy 5’4 🥵
2) Virgin? When it comes to eating kiwis 🥝
3) Do you smoke? Cigarettes are a HARD NO but cannabis? All day everyday please🌱
4) Do you drink? Not anymore really! I’ll drink beer every so often.
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Are you guys as excited as I am?!?! The second set I shot in LA last December is finally (almost) out🤪.
I also found out yesterday an important surgery I’ve been waiting for is finally scheduled. . . . For the same day my set comes out🙃. My timing is literally Impeccable. Last set came out during the graveyard shift and now this one is
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