Still very much a work in progress, feeedback appreciated.
The Snowflakes Fates
Behold the snowflake
Born into this world
Clean, unique, individual
Yet from the moment of that birth
Only three possible fates await
To be crushed, shaped, moulded
By powers beyond comprehension
Then hurled into battle and destroyed
Cut from existence before existence had begun
To join the uncounted masses
And become part of a cold, hard, featureless whiteness
Until, finally, melting away into nothing
Unmeasured, unmissed, unsung and gone
To fall from on high
Yet inhabit a high place
To be beautiful, untouched
Spinning existence out to its greatest extent.
Alan Duval (c) 2009
The Snowflakes Fates
Behold the snowflake
Born into this world
Clean, unique, individual
Yet from the moment of that birth
Only three possible fates await
To be crushed, shaped, moulded
By powers beyond comprehension
Then hurled into battle and destroyed
Cut from existence before existence had begun
To join the uncounted masses
And become part of a cold, hard, featureless whiteness
Until, finally, melting away into nothing
Unmeasured, unmissed, unsung and gone
To fall from on high
Yet inhabit a high place
To be beautiful, untouched
Spinning existence out to its greatest extent.
Alan Duval (c) 2009