It's so sad to hear how many people don't listen, don't pay attention to their life. So many people have said they wished they could have spent more time with loved ones after they have lost them. So many people need death in order to realize what wonderful things were already around them. So many people stop looking at their life and become selfish and it always comes back to ruin them.
I have no regrets about my grandfather. I spent time with him. I called him. I reached out and had a hand to hold. I wasn't let down. I wasn't saddened by his death, but relieved at the end of his suffering. I saw how much physical pain he was in, and still, until the end, he himself wasn't afraid of death. I told him everything I wanted. There's nothing I wish I could have said. Things weren't left unresolved.
Why don't more people feel this way, act this way? I don't need to lose something to know how wonderful I've got it. I can't understand why I don't hear this happening more often. People should be proud that they do this, if they are doing it.
I just heard that a girl left her fiance, and he had no clue it was coming. She got up early, made him lunch, and when he got back from work, all her stuff was gone. They had been living together almost a year. She said she had only platonic feelings for him for the past two months.
Is this a case of ingorance? Of deceit? Or is it something else? I know I am an expressive person. I don't try to hide my feelings, but I also don't try to hurt people. If I am mad at you, I certainly won't explode at you, but I will talk to you about it. I try to communicate as openly and freely as possible, with everyone in my life. I don't hide the ugly sides of my existance. Shouldn't everyone do these things?
Why must people hide what's supposedly undesirable? It is our shadows that enhance our light. It's not just the pleasantries that people appreciate, though I suppose some people may not be able to deal with that. We are not partial creatures, and shouldn't present ourselves as such.
So, if there are in fact people out there, living these half-lives, hiding their feelings from those closest to them, refusing to see what is going on around them, doesn't that concern all of us? These are the majority of the people, and these are the kinds of people who will not try to better themselves, let alone the world around them.
Ugh. I guess this is the price I pay for listening: knowing how awful things can really be.
I have no regrets about my grandfather. I spent time with him. I called him. I reached out and had a hand to hold. I wasn't let down. I wasn't saddened by his death, but relieved at the end of his suffering. I saw how much physical pain he was in, and still, until the end, he himself wasn't afraid of death. I told him everything I wanted. There's nothing I wish I could have said. Things weren't left unresolved.
Why don't more people feel this way, act this way? I don't need to lose something to know how wonderful I've got it. I can't understand why I don't hear this happening more often. People should be proud that they do this, if they are doing it.
I just heard that a girl left her fiance, and he had no clue it was coming. She got up early, made him lunch, and when he got back from work, all her stuff was gone. They had been living together almost a year. She said she had only platonic feelings for him for the past two months.
Is this a case of ingorance? Of deceit? Or is it something else? I know I am an expressive person. I don't try to hide my feelings, but I also don't try to hurt people. If I am mad at you, I certainly won't explode at you, but I will talk to you about it. I try to communicate as openly and freely as possible, with everyone in my life. I don't hide the ugly sides of my existance. Shouldn't everyone do these things?
Why must people hide what's supposedly undesirable? It is our shadows that enhance our light. It's not just the pleasantries that people appreciate, though I suppose some people may not be able to deal with that. We are not partial creatures, and shouldn't present ourselves as such.
So, if there are in fact people out there, living these half-lives, hiding their feelings from those closest to them, refusing to see what is going on around them, doesn't that concern all of us? These are the majority of the people, and these are the kinds of people who will not try to better themselves, let alone the world around them.
Ugh. I guess this is the price I pay for listening: knowing how awful things can really be.
gray: happening soon. real soon.
gifts: it's never too late to buy me something awesome, especially since x-mas is now-ish and my birthday is in about a month.
thanks so much for the gift! i got your card ages ago, i thought i mentioned it? regardless, it was awesome and appreciated. hopefully the phone issue will be resolved soon. also, i'll be in c-bus for my birthday and it'd be badass if you could come hang out.
any new years plans? i'll be spending mine ballrooming with the watt's and all the rest, so your love will be sent.
happy new year!