Hey everyone! I've been really slacking on my blogging here so apologies... Been very busy with the holidays coming up, theyre about to break me. But I suppose it's always worth it in the end. So 2011 is looking to start off exciting, atleast thats the plan anyways. On my birthday we are supposed to take a trip to the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame with some friends that I haven't seen in literally years. We invited alot of people with the anticipation that half of them will cancel at last minute so hopefully atleast a couple people will go. Then Avenged Sevenfold is playing Feb. 2nd and I'm super excited to see these guys. In an interveiw with M. Shadows in GuitarWorld several months back I got the hint that there was a bit of uncertanty with the future of the band after tragic passing of The Rev. I suppose it's kind of understandable, theyre all childhood friends, and it would be hard to continue for those guys without. After so many years together It's probably like losing a family member rather than a bandmate. So with that being said its hard to say if I'd ever get another chance to see them perform live. Then Feb. 12... OZZY! And as if seeing Ozzy isn't bad ass enough... he will be bringing special guest.... Slash. Two iconic legends in the rock world on stage together and I get to viddy the whole thing in person. Thats going to be like losing my virginity all over again, I can't wait. Too all my friends in the area reading this... both shows will be at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Avenged Sevenfold Feb. 2nd and Ozzy Feb 12th. Last time I checked there were plenty of tickets on sale, so jump on them! If your a rocker like me you wont want to miss these shows!
So I've gotten to be friends with a guy at work named John who's been trying to start a band, and from the sounds of it has run into alot of the same rotten luck as me as far as unreliable band mates. Haven't heard his stuff he's written, but he's got the right attitude for a band and wants to get together for a jam sometime. See how things go. Got me a little excited. At this point any somewhat promising lead to accomplish what I've wanted to accomplish for years now has me trying. I've taken a 'what have I to lose?' attitude to it. People tell me I need to advertise myself more, but I fear in a sea full of guitar players these days, I'm just another kid with a guitar. Those who know me compliment me, and maybe it's self criticism but I feel I need more ability and/or a better image to stand out. Who knows?
Randy Rhoad's birthday is the 6th. He would have been 54. Thats kinda sad
Well thats going to do it for me! Things are pretty busy and crazy these days, may be another little while until I update this thing. But stay safe! Stay Warm! You stay classy SG <3

So I've gotten to be friends with a guy at work named John who's been trying to start a band, and from the sounds of it has run into alot of the same rotten luck as me as far as unreliable band mates. Haven't heard his stuff he's written, but he's got the right attitude for a band and wants to get together for a jam sometime. See how things go. Got me a little excited. At this point any somewhat promising lead to accomplish what I've wanted to accomplish for years now has me trying. I've taken a 'what have I to lose?' attitude to it. People tell me I need to advertise myself more, but I fear in a sea full of guitar players these days, I'm just another kid with a guitar. Those who know me compliment me, and maybe it's self criticism but I feel I need more ability and/or a better image to stand out. Who knows?
Randy Rhoad's birthday is the 6th. He would have been 54. Thats kinda sad

Well thats going to do it for me! Things are pretty busy and crazy these days, may be another little while until I update this thing. But stay safe! Stay Warm! You stay classy SG <3

The photo you attached, this is just lovely.
Have a nice Sunday!