First things first... Chocolate Chip Cookies + JIF Peanut Butter = Amazingness. Best comfort food ever, not that I need comforted because I had a pretty good day, but it still makes a good mood even better. I'll regret it when I wake up but I'll worry about that then.
Ha check this out... A woment in Cincinatti was arrested for domestic violence for attempting to rob her HUSBAND at gunpoint. Apparently she pulled a gun on him demanding he give her money, and threatened she would shoot if he didn't hand it over. No record is been made of if she got the money or why she wanted it as bad as she apparently did. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a marriage counseling session there... These are the type of things you shouldn't laugh at, but you still kinda do anyways. Anyways, doesn't seem that anything was hurt, except possibly that poor guys ego.
In other news, and this is just plain fuckin' creepy if you ask me... Japanese have created an 'Android' to replicate the actions of a real person. is the link if your feeling curious. I don't know about that, maybe it's because I've seen enough horror-apocolypse type movies start out with things like this or what, but it looks to me like the early start of something horrible. I'm sure the intentions are for good, but thats where alot of bad things started out as simple good intentions. This kinda stuff weirds me out, maybe I'm just being paranoid.
So I'm starting to love getting truly involved with SG. So many cool people on here I've found to have similar interest and whatnot, makes you feel not so alone. Feels good to be a part of something where you know you have people who accept you for your differences, and you know you have cool people to talk to. So thanks to all of you that I've gotten to know! And if we haven't gotten to know eachother send me a message or something, I'm a pretty laid back guy, I'm always up to chat about whatever. Us night shift working types don't get out in the real world, so sometimes this is all we have. Any gamers in the audience? I guess you could say I used to be. Big time. Grew up on video games, I loved them. I think they inspired alot of my wild and vivid imagination. Or maybe that imagination is what drew me to them. Anyways, I was big time gamer until I think around the time I turned 16. At this time I had a job, a drivers license, and an electric guitar so my old nintendo's and playstation kinda got pushed aside, sad to admit. However I got me a 360 and play a few games here and there. Got really hooked on Fallout 3, could play that for hours on end, and as a car lover I do enjoy alot of the neat racing games. And those LEGO's games! Awsome! I love things that release the inner child in me. Where am I going with this? Well as neat as newer games are, I still find myself going back to old school stuff. NES, SNES, Nintendo 64 and the original old school gray boxy looking Playstation. I was surprised to find in the gaming section of the groups theres not a group dedicated to these old school type games that I'm sure gamers and non gamers alike probably have somewhere fond memories of them. Maybe theres not as much of an interest as I thought? Maybe I'm just weird? Ha ha anyways, in attempts to get further involved with the SG community I was considering starting one. Starting a group for old video games will definatly define me as a nerdy geeky whatever but oh well... maybe I am. Any thoughts?
Things are going kinda slow these days. No word on the BMW from my mechanic, maybe thats a good thing. I know its going to cost a fortune... Haven't gotten much of anything done these days. Feeling a bit under the weather and sleeping ALOT. It's like I come home, go to bed, and I wake up and its time for work. How does someone sleep for like 13 hours a day? I can't remember the last time I saw the sun, truly. Hoping its just the changing of the seasons. It's getting cooler out... which makes me happy. Fun filled weekend ahead though has got me pretty excited. Speaking of being tired, I'm rather beat right now. Just got home from work a little bit ago and ready for bed. As always make sure to show some love and support to all the lovely hopefuls out there! They need your votes, so give them to them! And feel free to send me a message regarding anything. Questions, comments, or just a friendly hello is always welcome. Take care, be safe and until next time...
Ha check this out... A woment in Cincinatti was arrested for domestic violence for attempting to rob her HUSBAND at gunpoint. Apparently she pulled a gun on him demanding he give her money, and threatened she would shoot if he didn't hand it over. No record is been made of if she got the money or why she wanted it as bad as she apparently did. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a marriage counseling session there... These are the type of things you shouldn't laugh at, but you still kinda do anyways. Anyways, doesn't seem that anything was hurt, except possibly that poor guys ego.
In other news, and this is just plain fuckin' creepy if you ask me... Japanese have created an 'Android' to replicate the actions of a real person. is the link if your feeling curious. I don't know about that, maybe it's because I've seen enough horror-apocolypse type movies start out with things like this or what, but it looks to me like the early start of something horrible. I'm sure the intentions are for good, but thats where alot of bad things started out as simple good intentions. This kinda stuff weirds me out, maybe I'm just being paranoid.
So I'm starting to love getting truly involved with SG. So many cool people on here I've found to have similar interest and whatnot, makes you feel not so alone. Feels good to be a part of something where you know you have people who accept you for your differences, and you know you have cool people to talk to. So thanks to all of you that I've gotten to know! And if we haven't gotten to know eachother send me a message or something, I'm a pretty laid back guy, I'm always up to chat about whatever. Us night shift working types don't get out in the real world, so sometimes this is all we have. Any gamers in the audience? I guess you could say I used to be. Big time. Grew up on video games, I loved them. I think they inspired alot of my wild and vivid imagination. Or maybe that imagination is what drew me to them. Anyways, I was big time gamer until I think around the time I turned 16. At this time I had a job, a drivers license, and an electric guitar so my old nintendo's and playstation kinda got pushed aside, sad to admit. However I got me a 360 and play a few games here and there. Got really hooked on Fallout 3, could play that for hours on end, and as a car lover I do enjoy alot of the neat racing games. And those LEGO's games! Awsome! I love things that release the inner child in me. Where am I going with this? Well as neat as newer games are, I still find myself going back to old school stuff. NES, SNES, Nintendo 64 and the original old school gray boxy looking Playstation. I was surprised to find in the gaming section of the groups theres not a group dedicated to these old school type games that I'm sure gamers and non gamers alike probably have somewhere fond memories of them. Maybe theres not as much of an interest as I thought? Maybe I'm just weird? Ha ha anyways, in attempts to get further involved with the SG community I was considering starting one. Starting a group for old video games will definatly define me as a nerdy geeky whatever but oh well... maybe I am. Any thoughts?
Things are going kinda slow these days. No word on the BMW from my mechanic, maybe thats a good thing. I know its going to cost a fortune... Haven't gotten much of anything done these days. Feeling a bit under the weather and sleeping ALOT. It's like I come home, go to bed, and I wake up and its time for work. How does someone sleep for like 13 hours a day? I can't remember the last time I saw the sun, truly. Hoping its just the changing of the seasons. It's getting cooler out... which makes me happy. Fun filled weekend ahead though has got me pretty excited. Speaking of being tired, I'm rather beat right now. Just got home from work a little bit ago and ready for bed. As always make sure to show some love and support to all the lovely hopefuls out there! They need your votes, so give them to them! And feel free to send me a message regarding anything. Questions, comments, or just a friendly hello is always welcome. Take care, be safe and until next time...