I shouldn't laugh at this but I did anyways...
A 22yr old girl (I'll leave the names annonymous, I don't remember them anyways) was arrested for prostitution and insighting panic. She was picked up a 38 year old man and got a hotel room to 'work' in. There to enjoy the show while also smoking a crack pipe was the prostitutes good from in her 30's I don't remember. Basically it went down like this: When he client refused to pay her for her deeds, she called the police stating that she was being held hostage in a hotel room by a strange man. Authorities rushed to the scene but upon arrival she admited the truth that she was a hooker and he wouldn't pay her. She was arrested for soliciting prostitution and insighting panic. Her friend arrested for possesion and use of crack, and the man arrested not for any involvment of prostitution or drug abuse going on in the room, but for an outstanding warrent for operating machinery under the influence. Just think he ALMOST got away huh? Now... I'm not one to judge, but what a dumbass! You call the police on someone for not paying you for sex? Tell them they stole your weed while your at it. What did you really think would happen? These people these days I tell ya...
Good news, and my lovely new Chillean Suicide Girl if your reading this I thought of you. I saw and I'm sure everyone has heard that they have began the rescue of the miners trapt in Chille. Last update I saw I believe they had 8 of the 33. So far no problems, all the miners appear to be in great health. News like this is the kind of news that NEEDS to be on the front page of all the papers. First off because thats just amazing news period. So many situations like this result in disaster. The miners never seen again or something of that sort. To know that theyre alive and healthy and now being finally free, its good news like this the world needs to capitolize on to let mankind know good things DO happen. If you know one of these miners personally, buy them a drink for me, a big hats off goes to them all, I can only imagine the hell they've been through the last few months, and they've all been pretty good sports about it. There you have it, funny yet depressing news followed by some great news. I should be a journalist lol, this is kinda fun.
As for yours truly, things aren't too bad I guess. Nothing too new to report. Works still busy as always, but new boss seems to have taken a liking to me for some reason. Sort of a gift and a curse at the same time really, because he likes me as a worker, he depends on me as well... which results in me doing alot of the shit work simply because I'll do it and others won't. It's the price you pay for being a good worker these days unfortunatly.
I really feel like I'm getting somewhere with the band, after all these years. The biggest set back is and always has been we never had a place to play. And because all of our social lives have deteriorated away to nothing, we're not exactly good at networking and talking to people who can send us in the right direction. But the will is there and I guess thats the crucial part. My best friend/drummer brought it up today over some chinese food, just the whole ordeal. I can't help but get a little discouraged. When you chase a dream for 6 years with nothing to show for it, who wouldn't? We're investigating a place to set up and practice finally. Last time we practiced together it went actually pretty well. Kinda funny to listen to us I'm sure as our taste vary so much. We don't have any full on original songs. We have alot of neat riffs and jams that with some lyrics and love could develop into some in my opinion cool songs, but theyre just warm up jams for now. We'll alternate covers back n forth from old Ozzy Osbourne to blink 182 to Van Halen to Sum 41, to Led Zeppelin to Greenday. Sort of a weird blend huh? I've always been a traditonal classic rocker all the way where as Steve is total punk rock. And we're trying to combine the styles, its challenging. Putting Eddie Van Halen in blink 182 is like cross breading an elephant with a pot belly pig in a way. Its hard! But you pull it off... you got Pot Belly Elephants... how awsome would that be? So I think if/when we finally nail what bizarre thing it is we're trying to achive, its gotta kick some asses along the way. But we'll see huh? All your support is noted and much appreciated. After all, I do it for fans and the music, not fame and fortune. Easy to say from someone who has none of those things, but atleast I feel my priorites lie in the right place.
Any Pink Floyd fans in the audience? If your a fan, hopefully you will know the name Roger Waters. You would be surprised how many 'fans' are like 'Roger Who?' And if you don't know he is or was the front man and bassist for Pink Floyd. Guess you could say he was to Pink Floyd like Paul McCartney is to The Beatles. Well... back in 2006, your humble narrorater was fortunate enough to see him on his Dark Side of the Moon tour. The tour consisted of many classic Floyd songs performed live, follow the encoure of the enitre Dark Side album played in one long peice. And Waters of course kept with the tradition of their well known stage presence. The show was complete with lasers, flames, puppets, and the famous flying pig soaring across the audience. Needless to say, that show was like losing my virginty all over again... it was THAT good. So where am I going with this? Well Waters had announced early in the year he would love to do a similar tour, this time featuring The Wall. As some may know his history as a person and with the band, The Wall was very significant to Waters on a personal level, alot of its story mirroring Waters real life. Well my friends as of September 15th, that dream has become a reality as his The Wall tour debuted. And yours truly has in his hot little hands a set of tickets to see his show on the 22nd. On the way home today 'Comfortably Numb' was playing and I got soooooo excited. Alot more info can be read in this months issue of Rolling Stone magizine, as Waters is featured on the cover. And hell, this IS the internet, I'm sure you can find plenty more info on it including if his tour is coming to your town and if you can break the bank for the tickets. They're pricy but if you love Pink Floyd and you love an amazing show... trust me as someone whos seen him perform first hand, theyre worth every last penny.
Well if your still reading this, what can I say but wow. That was a long one wasn't it? Feels like you should get a prize at the end for reading it huh? I'd hand it out if I could but... I have no prizes ; ( I'll leave you with the usual bits of wisdom, live your life to fullest and all that cliche stuff, you already know it and should be doing it. Make sure you check out and support all of our lovely Hopefuls on the site! Alot of these girls are gorgeous and have some outstanding sets, but they need your votes to be SG's! Questions? Comments? Concernes? Or just wanna yap about something? Message me! I love hearin whats on your minds! I've been on the hunt for some great undiscovered bands lately and I'll be happy to share some of them with you all next time. Until then, take care from yours truly
A 22yr old girl (I'll leave the names annonymous, I don't remember them anyways) was arrested for prostitution and insighting panic. She was picked up a 38 year old man and got a hotel room to 'work' in. There to enjoy the show while also smoking a crack pipe was the prostitutes good from in her 30's I don't remember. Basically it went down like this: When he client refused to pay her for her deeds, she called the police stating that she was being held hostage in a hotel room by a strange man. Authorities rushed to the scene but upon arrival she admited the truth that she was a hooker and he wouldn't pay her. She was arrested for soliciting prostitution and insighting panic. Her friend arrested for possesion and use of crack, and the man arrested not for any involvment of prostitution or drug abuse going on in the room, but for an outstanding warrent for operating machinery under the influence. Just think he ALMOST got away huh? Now... I'm not one to judge, but what a dumbass! You call the police on someone for not paying you for sex? Tell them they stole your weed while your at it. What did you really think would happen? These people these days I tell ya...
Good news, and my lovely new Chillean Suicide Girl if your reading this I thought of you. I saw and I'm sure everyone has heard that they have began the rescue of the miners trapt in Chille. Last update I saw I believe they had 8 of the 33. So far no problems, all the miners appear to be in great health. News like this is the kind of news that NEEDS to be on the front page of all the papers. First off because thats just amazing news period. So many situations like this result in disaster. The miners never seen again or something of that sort. To know that theyre alive and healthy and now being finally free, its good news like this the world needs to capitolize on to let mankind know good things DO happen. If you know one of these miners personally, buy them a drink for me, a big hats off goes to them all, I can only imagine the hell they've been through the last few months, and they've all been pretty good sports about it. There you have it, funny yet depressing news followed by some great news. I should be a journalist lol, this is kinda fun.
As for yours truly, things aren't too bad I guess. Nothing too new to report. Works still busy as always, but new boss seems to have taken a liking to me for some reason. Sort of a gift and a curse at the same time really, because he likes me as a worker, he depends on me as well... which results in me doing alot of the shit work simply because I'll do it and others won't. It's the price you pay for being a good worker these days unfortunatly.
I really feel like I'm getting somewhere with the band, after all these years. The biggest set back is and always has been we never had a place to play. And because all of our social lives have deteriorated away to nothing, we're not exactly good at networking and talking to people who can send us in the right direction. But the will is there and I guess thats the crucial part. My best friend/drummer brought it up today over some chinese food, just the whole ordeal. I can't help but get a little discouraged. When you chase a dream for 6 years with nothing to show for it, who wouldn't? We're investigating a place to set up and practice finally. Last time we practiced together it went actually pretty well. Kinda funny to listen to us I'm sure as our taste vary so much. We don't have any full on original songs. We have alot of neat riffs and jams that with some lyrics and love could develop into some in my opinion cool songs, but theyre just warm up jams for now. We'll alternate covers back n forth from old Ozzy Osbourne to blink 182 to Van Halen to Sum 41, to Led Zeppelin to Greenday. Sort of a weird blend huh? I've always been a traditonal classic rocker all the way where as Steve is total punk rock. And we're trying to combine the styles, its challenging. Putting Eddie Van Halen in blink 182 is like cross breading an elephant with a pot belly pig in a way. Its hard! But you pull it off... you got Pot Belly Elephants... how awsome would that be? So I think if/when we finally nail what bizarre thing it is we're trying to achive, its gotta kick some asses along the way. But we'll see huh? All your support is noted and much appreciated. After all, I do it for fans and the music, not fame and fortune. Easy to say from someone who has none of those things, but atleast I feel my priorites lie in the right place.
Any Pink Floyd fans in the audience? If your a fan, hopefully you will know the name Roger Waters. You would be surprised how many 'fans' are like 'Roger Who?' And if you don't know he is or was the front man and bassist for Pink Floyd. Guess you could say he was to Pink Floyd like Paul McCartney is to The Beatles. Well... back in 2006, your humble narrorater was fortunate enough to see him on his Dark Side of the Moon tour. The tour consisted of many classic Floyd songs performed live, follow the encoure of the enitre Dark Side album played in one long peice. And Waters of course kept with the tradition of their well known stage presence. The show was complete with lasers, flames, puppets, and the famous flying pig soaring across the audience. Needless to say, that show was like losing my virginty all over again... it was THAT good. So where am I going with this? Well Waters had announced early in the year he would love to do a similar tour, this time featuring The Wall. As some may know his history as a person and with the band, The Wall was very significant to Waters on a personal level, alot of its story mirroring Waters real life. Well my friends as of September 15th, that dream has become a reality as his The Wall tour debuted. And yours truly has in his hot little hands a set of tickets to see his show on the 22nd. On the way home today 'Comfortably Numb' was playing and I got soooooo excited. Alot more info can be read in this months issue of Rolling Stone magizine, as Waters is featured on the cover. And hell, this IS the internet, I'm sure you can find plenty more info on it including if his tour is coming to your town and if you can break the bank for the tickets. They're pricy but if you love Pink Floyd and you love an amazing show... trust me as someone whos seen him perform first hand, theyre worth every last penny.
Well if your still reading this, what can I say but wow. That was a long one wasn't it? Feels like you should get a prize at the end for reading it huh? I'd hand it out if I could but... I have no prizes ; ( I'll leave you with the usual bits of wisdom, live your life to fullest and all that cliche stuff, you already know it and should be doing it. Make sure you check out and support all of our lovely Hopefuls on the site! Alot of these girls are gorgeous and have some outstanding sets, but they need your votes to be SG's! Questions? Comments? Concernes? Or just wanna yap about something? Message me! I love hearin whats on your minds! I've been on the hunt for some great undiscovered bands lately and I'll be happy to share some of them with you all next time. Until then, take care from yours truly