How about a little bit of news to start off huh? Just heard of this one on the radio the other day and had to look it up myself...
In Milwaukee there is a "Super Hero" who goes by the name 'The Watchman' True to the super hero code, he won't reveal his true secret identity, however by the looks of his costume I'm sure anyone who knows him can easily take a guess. He sports an all black outfit with a 'W' on his shirt and a red tight mask covering up the top half of his face. As for super powers? None. He admits himself that "I'm just a guy. I may look a little funny, but I'm just a guy. And I'm out here to let everybody know that they can do their part."
So what does he do? Observe and report any suspicious activity to the local police. I'm not really sure what to make of this story really, and if you live in Milwaukee and know him or just admire what he's doing you shouldn't take this as criticism to his good deeds. I will admit tho I just find it a little strange. But hats off to ya buddy if your strange approach to crime fighting keeps the streets just that much safer, keep it up.
Now news in my life, thats what your here for.... right?
First I just wanna throw a huge congrats out to my beautiful friend from Chille and you should congradulate her too for becoming an honerary Suicide Girl. With an awsome name like Starrfuck, she's got to be one of the prettiest girls I've seen and the best part is an incredibly sweet personality and charm to go along with it. So way to go Starr, you deserve it
I just got home from a concert myself, my ears are still ringing. I have guitar lessons in the morning I should be in bed in about 3 hours ago but those who work those night hours know your only tired when its inconvenient, and times like now when you just want to sleep, you just cant seem too. Things have been very stressfull these days. Work is coming up on holiday time which means its very busy and tiring to add to it all. I like to think I'm a hard worker and I do like and need the overtime, but at same time I'm only human and it does get exhausting especially when so much else is going on. Alot of family issues that I'd rather not elaborate on is kinda bringing me down. And I sorta lost someone important to me. We still talk, but its not the same, we sort of had a falling out I guess one could say. She wasn't exactly a girlfriend, but she was something to me and I miss having her in the way that I did. It was a complicated situation and it just got the best of us, she's going through alot too. It always seems you don't realize just how good something is until you don't have it anymore. I don't know why it's like that, it just is. But the concert helped out alot and I have another tomorrow night too. Always feels good to get out of the house and out of this stupid city even if it is just for one night. Went with my best friend and Kate whos a good friend. She was originally supposed to sing for the band we were attempting to put together. Really had high hopes for it too but life comes up and set us all back. Between bands I stepped outside with her so she could have a smoke and she made mention of how awsome it is to see a live band and how cool it would be if we finally got it together and got to play a show or two ourselves. Maybe being at a concert with former 'band mates' inspired her. Cross your fingers for me, maybe it's finally going to happen. So yeah I'd say it was a good night. We didn't get in til almost 4:30, I left my car at my friends and drove home from there. It was a beautiful night, perfect stary sky and 58 degrees, little crisp but I had my jacket on. Drove the convertable today so I took the top down and took the long way home to really soak it all in. Always try to end a day on a high note if you can and I definatly did today. Guess if I had any advice its the typical advice you hear all the time, but its so true. Always stop and smell the roses. Your bound to prick yourself on the thorns from time to time, but in the end you gotta make it worth it. I'm tired from work, I hate feeling so distant from my family, and I miss her so much... but we all have our down days and our up days, just gotta pick yourself up and keep going, things will look up eventually, they've already started too. These blogs really help getting things off your chest huh? Anyways I suppose I should get to sleep. If your just stoppin in see whats new then thanks
If your struggling with problems of your own then I hope maybe my words have in some way even if ever so slightly offered a ray of reassurance, and I hope life looks up for you too. Untill next time...
In Milwaukee there is a "Super Hero" who goes by the name 'The Watchman' True to the super hero code, he won't reveal his true secret identity, however by the looks of his costume I'm sure anyone who knows him can easily take a guess. He sports an all black outfit with a 'W' on his shirt and a red tight mask covering up the top half of his face. As for super powers? None. He admits himself that "I'm just a guy. I may look a little funny, but I'm just a guy. And I'm out here to let everybody know that they can do their part."
So what does he do? Observe and report any suspicious activity to the local police. I'm not really sure what to make of this story really, and if you live in Milwaukee and know him or just admire what he's doing you shouldn't take this as criticism to his good deeds. I will admit tho I just find it a little strange. But hats off to ya buddy if your strange approach to crime fighting keeps the streets just that much safer, keep it up.
Now news in my life, thats what your here for.... right?
First I just wanna throw a huge congrats out to my beautiful friend from Chille and you should congradulate her too for becoming an honerary Suicide Girl. With an awsome name like Starrfuck, she's got to be one of the prettiest girls I've seen and the best part is an incredibly sweet personality and charm to go along with it. So way to go Starr, you deserve it
I just got home from a concert myself, my ears are still ringing. I have guitar lessons in the morning I should be in bed in about 3 hours ago but those who work those night hours know your only tired when its inconvenient, and times like now when you just want to sleep, you just cant seem too. Things have been very stressfull these days. Work is coming up on holiday time which means its very busy and tiring to add to it all. I like to think I'm a hard worker and I do like and need the overtime, but at same time I'm only human and it does get exhausting especially when so much else is going on. Alot of family issues that I'd rather not elaborate on is kinda bringing me down. And I sorta lost someone important to me. We still talk, but its not the same, we sort of had a falling out I guess one could say. She wasn't exactly a girlfriend, but she was something to me and I miss having her in the way that I did. It was a complicated situation and it just got the best of us, she's going through alot too. It always seems you don't realize just how good something is until you don't have it anymore. I don't know why it's like that, it just is. But the concert helped out alot and I have another tomorrow night too. Always feels good to get out of the house and out of this stupid city even if it is just for one night. Went with my best friend and Kate whos a good friend. She was originally supposed to sing for the band we were attempting to put together. Really had high hopes for it too but life comes up and set us all back. Between bands I stepped outside with her so she could have a smoke and she made mention of how awsome it is to see a live band and how cool it would be if we finally got it together and got to play a show or two ourselves. Maybe being at a concert with former 'band mates' inspired her. Cross your fingers for me, maybe it's finally going to happen. So yeah I'd say it was a good night. We didn't get in til almost 4:30, I left my car at my friends and drove home from there. It was a beautiful night, perfect stary sky and 58 degrees, little crisp but I had my jacket on. Drove the convertable today so I took the top down and took the long way home to really soak it all in. Always try to end a day on a high note if you can and I definatly did today. Guess if I had any advice its the typical advice you hear all the time, but its so true. Always stop and smell the roses. Your bound to prick yourself on the thorns from time to time, but in the end you gotta make it worth it. I'm tired from work, I hate feeling so distant from my family, and I miss her so much... but we all have our down days and our up days, just gotta pick yourself up and keep going, things will look up eventually, they've already started too. These blogs really help getting things off your chest huh? Anyways I suppose I should get to sleep. If your just stoppin in see whats new then thanks
what concert?? hanzel un gretyl?
I love that feeling of the ears, hahha! is the best!
kisses my dear frieeeend!!!