Damn I've been gone a long time. My friends list on here has degraded a bit as a result. I'll have to make some new friends when I get home. I'll be making my return to NYC Wednesday. We officially wrap tomorrow. 29 days of shooting. 1 week over. But we've fought long and hard and we've made a movie that will hopefully be a cult classic. I've always wanted to work on one of those movies that people quote and watch over and over and I think this movie has the potential to do that. I know I'll be doing it. So I sit here after most of the crew has wrapped and breathe softer than I have in a long time. Tomorrow is the wrap party where we all get trashed. That's when I'll breathe easy again.
More Blogs
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
Alright so this has been bothering me. So the past couple of weeks I… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2005
I just watched last night's Alias and I was totally blown away by how… -
Tuesday Feb 22, 2005
Yay I found my Sims 2! Anyway also got this guest bartending thing o… -
Tuesday Feb 22, 2005
So I've mostly re-installed all my software. I can't find my Sims 2 … -
Sunday Feb 20, 2005
So the computer died again. Got it fixed by someone that knew what t… -
Wednesday Feb 16, 2005
Its really fucking hot in here and these people are driving me crazy.… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2005
So I'm back on my home computer as I type this. Man the guy my mom b… -
Thursday Feb 03, 2005
I'm in a really shitty mood today. It seems like everything that can… -
Wednesday Feb 02, 2005
Not much to say. I finally dragged my ass down to the shrink for wha… -
Sunday Jan 30, 2005
I'm so bored today. Everyone should im me on AIM. My sn is eightsix…
enjoy the party, you should after what you have been through