Damn I've been gone a long time. My friends list on here has degraded a bit as a result. I'll have to make some new friends when I get home. I'll be making my return to NYC Wednesday. We officially wrap tomorrow. 29 days of shooting. 1 week over. But we've fought long and hard and we've made a movie that will hopefully be a cult classic. I've always wanted to work on one of those movies that people quote and watch over and over and I think this movie has the potential to do that. I know I'll be doing it. So I sit here after most of the crew has wrapped and breathe softer than I have in a long time. Tomorrow is the wrap party where we all get trashed. That's when I'll breathe easy again.
More Blogs
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
I'm having a really bad day. I've got a cold or something and feel l… -
Friday Oct 15, 2004
I'm having one of those days where I really wish I had a girlfriend. … -
Thursday Oct 14, 2004
Ugh I think I'm getting sick. This fucking sucks. I don't wanna get… -
Tuesday Oct 12, 2004
So internship at Richter today, actually it was more a really big les… -
Monday Oct 11, 2004
So I got my internship to go to tomorrow, which should be fun. I got… -
Sunday Oct 10, 2004
Fridaywas my b-day and all I asked for was one thing off of a list of… -
Wednesday Oct 06, 2004
So today has been kinda busy in the world. Howard Stern announces he… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
Hey so anyway haven't been updating much cause I've been busy. I jus… -
Monday Sep 27, 2004
I gotta meet some new people. I gotta fill up some of my time more. … -
Friday Sep 24, 2004
Yesterday was pretty interesting. I went into work and had to find t…
enjoy the party, you should after what you have been through