Ah finally a break. I've been going non-stop since Saturday. I met a guy at the Emmy screening thing that offered me an editing position but I'm not sure if I'm skilled enough to take the position, I'm also not sure if it pays anything. Anyway as I was on my way out this morning he called and left a really weird message on my machine about how he needed to buy something and he'd give me his credit card number or something, I couldn't quite understand it all but it was weird. I also met this cool girl Saturday who was working the Daytime Emmy's with me who works as a PA over at VH1 and she was telling me about the job and it sounded awesome so I took a picture of her holding an emmy and e-mailed it to her also asking that she pass along any job info and she said to send her a resume to pass to her boss so maybe something will come out of that, although its highly doubtful cause Viacom is very picky and I believe you have to be a college grad to work for them or if your not you have to have many many many years of experience. I also have an interview Friday for another intern position, oddly enough for a reality show on VH1. I've more or less decided I'm going to start only applying to jobs with full pay or jobs that I believe have real promise of turning into paying jobs cause I'm sick of being the best employee at a place and not being payed. Also to reward myself for working a fucking shitload of hours while literally sick and tired I bought myself a ticket to see Juliette Lewis & The Licks next Saturday at Bowery Ballroom. I saw them open for Joan Jett a few years ago and they were ok, Juliette Lewis tries too hard but it'll be something to do.
If you purchase 'Backstage' you can usually find listings for improv groups and membership companies. As far as free places to post I know craigslist has that sort of thing.
You could always try to put some flyers up at some of the theatre schools. What's the worst that will happen...they'll say take it down? ha.
Another question....do the actors need to be union or non-union? That might help me to tell you where you could put some flyers.