So I spent last night wasting time with lain and ZomBee watching Tank Girl and I have a lot on my mind. After parting on the train from ZomBee I put on my headphones and put in a minidisk which although I couldnt remember what was on it, contained quite a few songs that set my mind ablaze. Which is why Im writing this. If I dont get it down I wont be able to sleep. Bobby Dylan set my thoughts on the time Ive spent on this planet. Ive realized that after 21 time is not a friend. I feel like with every passing minute Im not accomplishing something life is passing me by. I should have had a movie by now, I should have a paying gig. Ive also come to the conclusion that I need to be a lot more social. If youve ever seen me at an SGNY thing you know Im very quiet and awkward. I need to stop being like that, although even with the best of tries thats been something I have never been able to overcome. I also need to get started on my film. Not tomorrow, not next week, now. Something in me has always blocked me from completing anything, no matter how hard I set about it.
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 31, 2006
I haven't made a new post in a while but I'm still around. -
Friday Jun 23, 2006
I've totally been neglecting this site lately. Man a whole new layou… -
Sunday May 28, 2006
Only 3 more days till Vulgarthon. I'm a little worried about the tri… -
Saturday May 20, 2006
So I don't think I ever updated since my GNR ticket announcement. An… -
Saturday Apr 15, 2006
Janet Weiss (from Sleater Kinney) is totally awesome. That is all. -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
The Gossip show was awesome. A great set. JD from Le Tigre was the… -
Friday Mar 24, 2006
Unemployment sucks. Yet at the same time I'm hemorraging cash on stu… -
Monday Mar 13, 2006
Just got Pearl Jam tickets. June 3rd Continental Airlines Arena! -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
So I had a pretty good time at the Comic Con this weekend. Some peop… -
Thursday Feb 23, 2006
NY Comic Con is this weekend. I'm looking foward to it.