I have been reflecting on my relationship to caffeine. I ordered espresso pods for my fancy-pants espresso maker and in order to avoid paying for shipping I ordered a pile that looks like this:
My precious fancy pants espresso maker:
Now we all know that caffein goes straight to your brain and attaches itself to nerve endings. What it does is block your bodys naturally occuring adenosine chemical from being able to attach to those same nerve endings. Your body releases more adenosine, starts to panic because its not having any affect, and adrenaline is released in small amounts as a defense mechanism which increases your heart rate. And it makes you feel good. And look more attractive. And if you drink enough you can fly.
I think I love coffee because it speeds up my life. It helps my life from feeling boring. Shoving those earbuds in my ears and listening to techno or going to stupid action movies. (Note: "The Matrix" was not a good movie) is all part of the same strategy. However, coffee is special. Of course it also is chemically addictive. I don't mind this at all. (Note: It's important that when you put a monkey on your back that you do not make him angry by writing bad things about him on your blog). Oh, and to all of you Starbuckscoprporatecoffeehaters - when I put that little starbucks monkey on my back it was a locally owned business in Seattle's Pike Place Market. It's not my fault it became successful. (Nice monkey, don't listen to the Starbuckscoprporatecoffeehaters).
Each cup of coffee is unique. It has a dark and bitter personality that can be sweetened and mellowed. Coffee might be a lady.

My precious fancy pants espresso maker:

Now we all know that caffein goes straight to your brain and attaches itself to nerve endings. What it does is block your bodys naturally occuring adenosine chemical from being able to attach to those same nerve endings. Your body releases more adenosine, starts to panic because its not having any affect, and adrenaline is released in small amounts as a defense mechanism which increases your heart rate. And it makes you feel good. And look more attractive. And if you drink enough you can fly.
I think I love coffee because it speeds up my life. It helps my life from feeling boring. Shoving those earbuds in my ears and listening to techno or going to stupid action movies. (Note: "The Matrix" was not a good movie) is all part of the same strategy. However, coffee is special. Of course it also is chemically addictive. I don't mind this at all. (Note: It's important that when you put a monkey on your back that you do not make him angry by writing bad things about him on your blog). Oh, and to all of you Starbuckscoprporatecoffeehaters - when I put that little starbucks monkey on my back it was a locally owned business in Seattle's Pike Place Market. It's not my fault it became successful. (Nice monkey, don't listen to the Starbuckscoprporatecoffeehaters).
Each cup of coffee is unique. It has a dark and bitter personality that can be sweetened and mellowed. Coffee might be a lady.
plain and simple. How dare you live in berkeley and not drink Peet's coffee RELIGIOUSLY! I'm not hating on starbucks or anything (except for the fact that I hate starbucks) but Peets! PEETS my dear friend!!! it will make your life even BETTER and you will just collapse in a shaky pile of joygasm when you drink peets coffee. I drink like 6 huge cups a day!! (And yes I know that's awful.) Coffee is my addictive druglike anitdrug. *nods happily* And on that note... Coffee, unlike a lady, will never make you feel like shit. *raises coffee cup in salute*
oh and p.s. that shmantsy pants espresso maker is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.