I have a confession to make. I am Rockoval and I am an internet addict. When ever I walk into my apartment, the first thing I do is go on the computer. It's not just the naughty things, it is also Wikipedia articles on laser weapons and reading what angry people are yelling at each other in the C.E. boards. It's constantly checking Facebook and...
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I don't have an owner's manual for my car cause I bought it used. I do have one of those 'how to take your car apart, essentially' guides at the behest of my car-lovin ex-boyfriend, but it is of no help.

Seriously, why couldn't they just put plain English on the car? It works for 'service engine soon'. Why not also 'check ____ fluid'? I guess that would be too easy.

It would be an interesting paper, IMHO.

I too, am an addict.
One of the things that really frustrates me, is that I never can find anyone to play music with me. I like plain old rock and roll, blues, jazz, folk rock, and anything melodic and laid back. It really shouldn't be that hard to find some other musicians with similar tastes, but I have had the hardest time. It seems like everyone around here who...
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my boyfriend (carbonfreeze) has the same issue. he just moved here and doesn't know many people and those he does know aren't into the same music. =/

good luck <3
Thank you, darling biggrin
The other day, I noticed that Hy-vee was doing a make your own six-pack thing, so I decided to expand my knowledge of beer styles. Last night, I tried the Sam Adam's honey porter which was quite tasty. I also tried Woodchuck draft cider which was good, but upset my stomach. Anyway, right now I am sipping on some Sam Adam's Boston Lager and I...
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Yeah here's hoping that with the new start I can find new life in things..and get a fresh start and find regrowth and rebirth.

Thank you.

x x x
I had a lazy afternoon today, and being the nerd I am, I watched a few Star Trek reruns on Spike TV. It's funny how a silly television program can really get you thinking.

The first episode was on of The Next Generation where Riker and Jordy discover a wounded Romulan on a hostile planet. It is found that Worf is the only person on...
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mywatermelons are quiet a bit bigger nowm but the rabbits have ate into two of them. I didn't even know rabbits would eat watermelon. 'learn something new everyday.

and btw, I'm with Alz up there, you can't beat TNG...even I'm a nerd at heart. If it wasn't for Spike, SciFi, Comedy Central, and/or Adult swim, my nightlife would be very boring. wink
i'm glad that you went!
its amazing =)
i love the atmosphere too

voyager was my favorite for a while because i grew up with it (old enough to watch it, and they showed it in france, so i watched it there), but now i love tng. i love love love jordy (i used to wear a headband over my eyes to try to be like him) and i had such a huge kid crush on wesley crusher. mhhhh
The air has finally cooled down and the breeze feels refreshing against my bare shoulders.

I am sitting at the pool by my apartment, feet dangling in the water.

There is a dream like quality to the waves as they move my ankles up and down, side to side.

I notice the half lit moon hanging high in the sky.

The sky has turned a...
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That sounds lovely. I so wish I could join you. Instead I must get ready to drive to washington and start looking for a job. I would much rather lay there in peace than drive around in a crazy city full of people who generally can't drive and weird intersections. love
I took my telescope out last night for the first time in a long time. I looked at the craters on the Moon, Venus, the beehive star cluster (Messier 44) and Saturn. I thought I could see a cloud band on the south side of Saturn but it might have been my imagination. Titan was bright as usual and I made my first confirmed sighting...
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well, i do love me that fountain down at the student union on UNL campus. its so much fun! there was a little puppy there when we went.

i really want to see a supernova sometime. the last one was in teh year i was born, and before htat in the 1600's. i really want to see one for myself, but they dont happen often enough, that i dont think that'll happen. i have to settle for the perseids (which i LOVE). go out to the middle of nowhere lake and watch them....mhhhhhhhhh. =) yay stars!
That sounds like it would be awesome to see smile
I am feeling much better today. I talked to a friend that I haven't heard from in a long time. She is an awesome singer who can just belt out the blues. She also has a great sense of humor and is just really nice. She said that she wants to hang out with me if she ever has any free time. smile

In other news,...
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That's pretty cool smile
I'm feeling really sort of disconcerted and uneasy right now and I'm not sure why. I was hanging out with my friend Zak. We started looking up stuff about cars on his computer. I was quite appalled to see all sorts of pop-ups and toolbars and stuff that made me think the computer had spyware on it. Perhaps the whole thought of people spying on...
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Wait. What's illegal about porn? Did I miss something? Are you actually only 16 years old? (And even then, my only problem with younger guys looking at porn is that they will get the silly idea in their heads that 1) real girls look like that and 2) real girls like being in uncomfortable positions and 3) girls like that, who don't really exist, will someday want to be their girlfriend/fuckbuddy/whathaveyou. Even the SGs undergo a fair amount of airbrushing.) In any case, I fail to understand what is so evil about porn. Girl gets paid to take clothes off. Guy pays to see naked girl. It's a transaction, nothing more.
I am differently not 16, so when he said that I was like "huh?" Of coarse, with Alberto Gonzales in the justice department the first amendment's days may be numbered. surreal
One thing that will never cease to stop bothering me, is that I will probably never know if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Space is so vast, it makes detecting planets even around the nearest stars very difficult. (Most extra-solar planets found so far have been detected indirectly using the Doppler shift of the star.) Finding oxygen in the atmosphere of a...
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You cannot stand up to us. We are legion.
ya, I just found out that one of the boys won't be moving in, I guess some of his fam is moving to the same town and he wants his own room. but it'll be ok....I kinda thought about a nose piercing, but I don't think that will go to well when I'm trying to get a professional job at a dealership...which reminds me, I need to work on my resume....I suck at it, but it needs to get done....I'll have to post it and have everyone read and critique it....that'll help... I kinda wish I had a piano, but I don't have any room for it, and they are heavy and not made to be packed from apt to apt...but I was thinking of getting a keyboard....if only I had money.....
*Deleted whinny emo post about loneliness*

I am feeling much better today. I just finished my final for Information Systems and Literacy at Metro and I sure am glad to be done with that class. I hate boring prereq classes. Half the time, I just wanted to shout, "I know how to use a computer, dammit!" Anyway, summer is here and I am happy. smile
Thank you so much smile
Glad to hear that you're happy - although, I wouldn't worry about writing emo whiny blogs.
I've done my share of those on here wink
I noticed that there is a near conjunction on the crescent moon and Venus tonight. It looks like the Islamic crescent and I'm not sure if that is beautiful or creepy. I guess I have a prejudges I need to get over.

In other news my I was helping my friend John clean out his shop, and he gave me a sitar that had been...
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I would stay if people started talking to me....But I realized that I would lose lots of pics as well.....how are you?
i noticed the moon/venus last night as well. it was a bit ominous.
I want to write about my mixed feelings about religion in this blog. For about a year, I have been on a long slide from being a christian to being somewhat agnostic. It's funny how you can change so much. There are several reasons for my fall from grace. First is my love of science. Much of mainstream archeology, astronomy, biology, geology and many other...
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Thanks so much... Just rough and painful times around mother's day, but I'll get through.
thank you so much for the welcome.

you're the first one to officially welcome me to the neighborhood, so to say.

sometimes, all anyone ever really needs is a hug.

*insert big cheesy internet hug here*
