Yo, Yo, Yo.
You are sitting behind me at my house, haha.
I like the suicide girls too, but I am quiet.
And do not really get to talk to any other then Gwen.
In your vices category on your profile, it sounds like instead of being two seperate entities-- that you want girls that have pizza and that special something.
I took you off my list because you never said anything to me. I think I took you off my list awhile ago, are you only noticing that right now? I am sorry if that hurt your feelings. But it also hurt my feelings that you never said anything to me. Not even on AIM.
So my old friend danny is on the site now. He took Gwendolynn's new photos. They look good. It's odd seeing a suicide girl set shot in the house I used to live in, by the kid I used to call my best friend. But hey... things change.
Maybe I will. But right now. I am going to eat some yummy soup and finish this movie. Happy you are my friend. I will talk to you later. Or maybe I will be IMing you.
So I'm updating for the sake of updating. I just saw Lord of the Rings. It was good. I slept from 6pm to 7:30 am yesterday. Retail Manager jobs suck this time of year. I wish I was just a hot girl and I could 'bling bling' it as a SuicideGirl (at least that's what Fractal tells me!)
I think it's about time I changed my pic. I haven't been in that band for 4 months now, and I think that was taken last January. Wow... has it been that long?