hey! wow! it was nice to hear from you again! It has been a long long time!
I am moving to Cali in feb!
So we can hang out and catch up! I can really help you more with your web site now too! yay!
I hope things are going swell for you Justin.
oh darling I am sorry! Of course we are still friends. I cleaned out everything on my account because I was going to go but then I didn't have the heart to do it
I'm going to L.A. in May to see E3! (e3expo.com). This means I shall be playing the playstation 3 and xbox 2 and most importantly the nintendo project: revolution system WAAAAAAY before everyone else.
Sweeeeeeeeet deal.
(p.s. I redid my fav girls.. it was time for a change)
So I'm trying to do a online community a lot like friendster and myspace, but I'm trying to fix what people don't like about them. So please if you have any complaints, or features you'd like to see in a site like that, post them here.
Encourage your friends to do the same... This IS a community, right?
I am moving to Cali in feb!
So we can hang out and catch up! I can really help you more with your web site now too! yay!
I hope things are going swell for you Justin.