I don't want to have a big beer gut when I'm 30, so I figured I should try to get rid of the little one. I joined a gym and got a trainer to teach me how to use the equipment. I went a couple of times and rode the bike or the jogger, but today was my first day with a trainer . . . we worked on upper body. My arms are like rubber bands, I can barely hold them up to the keyboard to type. After that I rode the bike for 20 minutes. The bike was on the 'hell' setting and I don't know what was taking more energy - pushing the pedals or trying not to puke all over the place.
That was nearly an hour ago, now my muscles are beginning to relax and I am starting to feel pain. Tomorrow is going to be difficult.
That was nearly an hour ago, now my muscles are beginning to relax and I am starting to feel pain. Tomorrow is going to be difficult.
Ricky how in the hell do I get tix to burlesque?????
i'm not quite as scared...more drawn to it. your eyes are hypnotizing ( in a very evil way )...