There was this totally hot girl who walked into my store today. She was wearing warn out, tight ass plaid bondage pants with patches all over them, a dirty wife beater and a flannel with the sleeves cut off. She comes up to the counter, politely paid for her stuff, looked at me and said "What did one frog say to the other frog?"
I'm like "I don't know, what?" and then she was like "pbbtt!" and totally farted. I couldn't believe it, she even lifted her leg and everything. As quickly as she arrived, she left without a trace (believe me, I checked).
Maybe I'm just a sicko, but I was totally into it. Any girl who is so punk rock she can make fart jokes in front of total strangers is aces in my book. She wins the anarchy points for the day . . . And if you're out there somewhere reading this, please come back and marry me.
I'm like "I don't know, what?" and then she was like "pbbtt!" and totally farted. I couldn't believe it, she even lifted her leg and everything. As quickly as she arrived, she left without a trace (believe me, I checked).
Maybe I'm just a sicko, but I was totally into it. Any girl who is so punk rock she can make fart jokes in front of total strangers is aces in my book. She wins the anarchy points for the day . . . And if you're out there somewhere reading this, please come back and marry me.
shed probably be hotter if you know, she took a shower or something... at what point do you stop taking people in bondage pants seriously?
Hoe very odd....