There must be something in the stars. There is so much energy floating around in all aspects of my life. A very close friend of mine is dealing with the loss of a very important relationship. A couple of other friends are dealing with difficult breakups. I myself am in the middle of a dramatic interchange with a specific young lady.
Journals of members of this site from all over the world are wrought with sadness, difficulty and anger that seems more severe than common blogger drama. To say nothing of the very public nature of events concerning members, models and staff of this site.
This, of course has nothing to do with my life. It does though go to show the universal nature of the energy this season has demonstrated. It could be taken as an omen of doom. I prefer to think of it in a different context. I'm glad that this is not going on in my bubble of immediate reality exclusively.
One of the most important piece of advice I have ever gotten came from an old boss. Ironically, after this advice was given he fucked up one time and fired me as a scapegoat to cover his tracks. Even then his statement helped me to tighten up.
He simply said "Rise above."
I'm glad that there is a such thing as Robot Jones . . . That show is awesome.
Journals of members of this site from all over the world are wrought with sadness, difficulty and anger that seems more severe than common blogger drama. To say nothing of the very public nature of events concerning members, models and staff of this site.
This, of course has nothing to do with my life. It does though go to show the universal nature of the energy this season has demonstrated. It could be taken as an omen of doom. I prefer to think of it in a different context. I'm glad that this is not going on in my bubble of immediate reality exclusively.
One of the most important piece of advice I have ever gotten came from an old boss. Ironically, after this advice was given he fucked up one time and fired me as a scapegoat to cover his tracks. Even then his statement helped me to tighten up.
He simply said "Rise above."
I'm glad that there is a such thing as Robot Jones . . . That show is awesome.
must be hormonal.