Aaron Cometbus is the frikken man . . .
"Too much energy focused in on itself destroys itself, in relationships especially, so it's good sometimes to have an outside party around to bounce that energy off of."
"I just figure, if you're going to share the bad times with your friends, you should also share the good. If you're going to come to me later when you get dumped and need to be cheered up, come share a little of the happiness first."
"Too much energy focused in on itself destroys itself, in relationships especially, so it's good sometimes to have an outside party around to bounce that energy off of."
"I just figure, if you're going to share the bad times with your friends, you should also share the good. If you're going to come to me later when you get dumped and need to be cheered up, come share a little of the happiness first."
I know you're quoting that silly song, but yeah--it's always about me.