"Win or die" has been my mantra since that fateful time in high school when I lost my mind. I have since been refining my personality to never have to concede to another. My armies are small but the battle is fierce. A scenario that has not yet been applied is brother against brother. I suppose in such a situation it would be most beneficial to not battle at all.
Sun Tzu has taught me a lot about how to remain the victor in the face of confrontation. A big part of that I overlooked, mostly the part about not going into battle at all. War of the highest art is won before the battalions take to arms. It is a skillful general who retains his greatness never having to raise strike against his enemy.
My knowledge of the battlefield is less than great, though I feel I have won more than I have lost. I am able to defend my ground in the face of adversity to the point of welcoming challenge. I may be entering the next step of my evolution. Now I feel is the time to educate myself and build my intellectual army. I have lax my pursuit of creativity in order to stronghold technical knowledge. Now the time to apply both may be approaching. Victory must be swift in order to minimalise causalities on both sides.
To face a conflict and win with resolution rather than a confrontation . . . that is the art of war.
Sun Tzu has taught me a lot about how to remain the victor in the face of confrontation. A big part of that I overlooked, mostly the part about not going into battle at all. War of the highest art is won before the battalions take to arms. It is a skillful general who retains his greatness never having to raise strike against his enemy.
My knowledge of the battlefield is less than great, though I feel I have won more than I have lost. I am able to defend my ground in the face of adversity to the point of welcoming challenge. I may be entering the next step of my evolution. Now I feel is the time to educate myself and build my intellectual army. I have lax my pursuit of creativity in order to stronghold technical knowledge. Now the time to apply both may be approaching. Victory must be swift in order to minimalise causalities on both sides.
To face a conflict and win with resolution rather than a confrontation . . . that is the art of war.
Noctaccidia: I was running the floor during lunch rush on a thursday, we just had two large parties without reservations come in, and I'm poring over the floorplans trying to find womewhere to put them...
SGclara: ugh
Noctaccidia: Then I hear a cough and a guy in his 60s starts pushing through them all. He's got two ratty shirts on, stained jeans, falling apart shoes, a stretch hat on, and his scraggly white hair haning in little greasy strands all over the place. He comes around the side of the stand, just shy of invading my personal space, and stands there in a slight squat with both arms thrust out, one of which is holding a styrofoam Dunkin Donuts cup birm-full of water that's dripping on the floor and he virtually exclaims at me... "HI! I'm double-oh-seven, and I've got a question for ya. 007's gotta do a numbah 2...so where's yo bathroom at?"
SGclara: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! im sure it was awful at the time, but what a great story.
Noctaccidia: To which I respond, straightfaced and deadpan, "I'm sorry sir, but we don't have any public restrooms, so you'll have to go elsewhere."
Noctaccidia: (Oh, it continues...) "Whatchu sayin'? You sayin' 007 can't use yo bathroom?"
"Yes sir, I'm sorry but that's the case"
"Oh, I see." And he begins to walk out. As he pushes his way past the other customers I grab the menus and begin to take the first party to a table when his hand shoots back into the gap, grabs the door, and pulls it open enough to stick his head back into the restaurant... "007's got friends. You gonna get a visit tonight...from the POLICE!" And he was gone.
SGclara: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! "officer, arrest this man for not letting me poop!"
Noctaccidia: yeah...everyone at the door and the two nearest tables started laughing.
SGclara: i might have tinkled a little if i'd been there.