Back from vacation. Have been for awhile. Have not been posting just haven't had the energy to do it. BTW just for the record, I hope this whole Facebook craze ends soon. I'm tired of companies asking me to join their Facebook fanpage. I could really give a shit.
Vacation in a few weeks. I wish I could make it permanent.
I heart Christina Hendrick's. Ugh - love red heads. Where are you going on vacation?
Ahhh shucks.
You know sometimes I wish I had a very low IQ that I way I'd be happy, and not know how fucked up the world and people can be.
I know what you mean the more I learn about the human psyche in psychology the more I wish I didn't know. Hopefully I'll take a class before I graduate on how to not be a judgemental ass, because right now I'm failing that. And yes Virginia they do exist. We're working on it
Okay so when they say getting tattoos removed hurts worse then putting them on? BULLSHIT!! Yes it hurts but getting the tattoo hurt a hell of a lot more.
Well thats good to know..just in case. haha What are you getting removed? And ya those call centers are some tricky bitches.
I think I get the symbolism, unless its not the obvious? I actually got my bluebird when I got out of a bad relationship to remind me never to be caged up again.
AHHH Modern life sucks sooo much sometimes!!!! I really really want to go back to being a surly mechanic and leave this poopy office stuff behind!!!!!
Oh my God I really hate my job!!!!! My boss is a nice guy but is such a chickenshit! He really needs to put the smack down on some of my coworkers because they are incompetent and lazy and create more work for everyone else!! And it's same shit over and over, they're not learning! This day and age you could probably throw a rock...
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That sucks
Smack him around a little
I hate Sunday evenings. It's a day off but you really can't let loose. Plus it's only a few hours til it's Monday morning. And no one likes Mondays.
Yeah...I would have liked a longer weekend.
Thanks! I cant wait to start!
Hmm... I was looking through my friends on here.... Am I a girl collector? I don't particularly want to seem creepy. Then again I guess if I did come off creepy you would just ignore the request wouldn't you?
I don't think your creepy
Request some dudes?
I was watching The IT Crowd (if you haven't seen that show check it out!!) and this song is played at the very end of The Dinner Party episode. It reminds me of the mid 90's before I turned "weird". (Believe it or not I was kinda a preppy jock! That was before I found punk rock and working on cars. )
Never seen that show
Never seen it.
I read comics, but I'm not really crazy about them. (I spend about 15- 30 a month depending if any trades come out on something I may like. I know people who spend hundreds of dollars a month.) Anyway I listen to a podcast called between the panels and they were talking about a glitch on Amazon were people were picking up Omnibuses (omnibi?) for...
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Glad you got it sweetie
I need some good comics.