so a few weeks ago i feed what i thought was a stray cat. she had no collar and was super skinny. well after the 2nd time she has been around our yard and front door day and night. she showed up with a collar one day so i was like ok no more noms you have a owner kitteh, well that has made things worse she meows at our front door day and night. we've called the number on her collar and left a VM for someone named "Steve" about the fact the cat is out there all the time. We asked Steve if the cat was missing because she's around all the time. She out there Thursdays all day we know because my girlfriend has Thursdays off and she's been on the break wall between our neighbor's house all day today. What am I going to do? Why isn't this guy worried about his cat? why is it out 24/7? 

That is super sweet of you.