How do you tell a co-worker who isn't necessarily mean or rude, just annoying to leave you alone? I have this lady that sits behind me who I think she thinks is being nice by being all in my business. Like: Hey did you do this? Did you take your break? Getting back from the bathroom? ( not kidding) and feels the need to tell me when: she'll be right back ( I don't care) Going to lunch ( I don't care) That someone didn't show up ( I don't care) She had to change her password ( I don't care). Where she went for lunch ( I don't care) and tells me all the business of everyone else in the aisle.She'll walk up and announce this crap and stand and stare at me like I'm supposed to say something. God lady you're not my mom and these people are not your family. I really don't want to know. I just work there and will leave as soon as I can find something non office related again. I don't want to tell her to fuck off since her being about 30 years older and being about 5 feet tall would make me look like a bully. Anyway to tell her to fuck off nicely maybe?
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