I am a photographer. Its what I like to do, and sometimes I like to think Im pretty clever on some of the work I do. Ive had my photos displayed in galleries and parts of collections. Even won a contest or two. I have honed my craft, and continue to work to make it better every day. I don't make a lot of money doing what I do, because I believe that photography is art. That would be why it pisses me off to no end when I see everyone who owns a camera or even worse, a fucking iPhone out there 'trying' to be a 'professional photographer'. Offering up dirt cheap prices for their half assed bullshit pictures.
And why does it annoy me? Because I see what I do as an artform, and just because you bought a 200 dollar special from Wal-Mart and made a Facebook page DOES NOT MAKE YOU A PHOTOGRAPHER! I live in a small town area, and between all the towns around here there is less than 150,000 people and there are OVER 30 "photographers" thowing bullshit up on social media dueling each other for prices.. Hour sessions, just 10 bucks! Get the fuck out with that! You cheapen the art I love, you cheapen what I do to the point I cannot sell a great photograph in a gallery because the patrons start to think that any asshole with a camera can do what I do.
AND even more than that.. If someone like me is nice enough to do work for you for free, show us some love. When some asks if you know a good photographer, throw my name! It pisses me off when I do free shit for you and you tell paying gigs to go somewhere else. I mean, fucking A? Where do you think I get my money from to upgrade my equipment, do my hours of shooting and editing mean shit to you?
So, support your true local photographer. I know its expensive, but at least be cool enough to pay it back with a little promotion. Maybe even a blowjob.. (KIDDING!)